relating to the creation of an enhanced license designation for a |
license to carry a handgun and the locations in which the holder of |
that enhanced license may carry a handgun. |
SECTION 1. Section 411.171, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subdivision (8) to read as follows: |
(8) "Enhanced license" means a license to carry a |
handgun that bears an enhanced license designation under Section |
411.1845. |
SECTION 2. Section 411.174, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (b-2) to read as follows: |
(b-2) The application must provide space for the applicant |
to: |
(1) request an enhanced license designation described |
by Section 411.1845; and |
(2) include sufficient proof of the applicant's |
satisfaction of the requirements of Section 411.1845, including |
the applicant's successful completion of: |
(A) the training course under Section |
411.1845(c); and |
(B) the demonstration of handgun proficiency |
under Section 411.1845(d), not earlier than the 180th day before |
the date of the application. |
SECTION 3. Section 411.179, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (e-1) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The department by rule shall adopt the form of the |
license. A license must include: |
(1) a number assigned to the license holder by the |
department; |
(2) a statement of the period for which the license is |
effective; |
(3) a photograph of the license holder; |
(4) the license holder's full name, date of birth, hair |
and eye color, height, weight, and signature; |
(5) the license holder's residence address or, as |
provided by Subsection (d), the street address of the courthouse in |
which the license holder or license holder's spouse or parent |
serves as a federal judge or the license holder serves as a state |
judge; |
(6) the number of a driver's license or an |
identification certificate issued to the license holder by the |
department; |
(7) the designation "VETERAN" if required under |
Subsection (e); |
(8) any at-risk designation for which the license |
holder has established eligibility under Section 411.184; [and] |
(9) if applicable, a protective order designation |
under Section 411.1735; and |
(10) the designation "ENHANCED" if required under |
Subsection (e-1). |
(e-1) The department shall include the designation |
"ENHANCED" on the face of any license under this subchapter if the |
license is issued to an applicant who: |
(1) requests the designation; and |
(2) includes sufficient proof of the applicant's |
satisfaction of the requirements of Section 411.1845, including the |
applicant's successful completion of: |
(A) the training course under Section |
411.1845(c); and |
(B) the demonstration of handgun proficiency |
under Section 411.1845(d), not earlier than the 180th day before |
the date of the application. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 411.1845 to read as follows: |
COURSE. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Commissioned security officer" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 1702.002, Occupations Code. |
(2) "Open-enrollment charter school" means a school |
that has been granted a charter under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, |
Education Code. |
(3) "Peace officer" has the meaning assigned by |
Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
(4) "Public security officer" has the meaning assigned |
by Section 1701.001, Occupations Code. |
(5) "School district" means any public school district |
in this state. |
(6) "School marshal" means a person appointed under |
Section 37.0811, Education Code. |
(7) "School resource officer" has the meaning assigned |
by Section 1701.601, Occupations Code. |
(b) The department shall designate a license to carry a |
handgun as an enhanced license if the applicant: |
(1) requests the designation; |
(2) has held a license to carry a handgun issued under |
this subchapter for at least four years; |
(3) is at least: |
(A) 25 years of age; or |
(B) 22 years of age if first issued a license |
under Section 411.172(g); |
(4) has not been convicted of a Class A misdemeanor or |
equivalent offense; |
(5) has not, in the 15-year period preceding the date |
of application, been convicted of a Class B misdemeanor or |
equivalent offense or of an offense under Section 42.01, Penal |
Code, or equivalent offense; |
(6) has not, in the 20-year period preceding the date |
of application, had a license revoked under Section 411.186(a)(3); |
(7) has not received: |
(A) involuntary psychiatric hospitalization; |
(B) psychiatric hospitalization in the 20-year |
period preceding the date of application; |
(C) inpatient or residential substance abuse |
treatment in the 20-year period preceding the date of application; |
or |
(D) a diagnosis, in the 20-year period preceding |
the date of application, by a licensed physician that the person is |
dependent on alcohol, a controlled substance, or a similar |
substance; |
(8) has not received a diagnosis at any time by a |
licensed physician that the person suffers or has suffered from a |
psychiatric disorder or condition consisting of or relating to any |
condition listed in Section 411.172(e)(5); and |
(9) has successfully completed the training course |
described by Subsection (c) and the demonstration of handgun |
proficiency under Subsection (d). |
(c) The director by rule shall establish minimum standards |
for a training course that a license holder may complete to receive |
an enhanced license designation under this section. The training |
course must: |
(1) be administered by a qualified handgun instructor; |
(2) include not less than 32 hours and not more than 48 |
hours of instruction; |
(3) provide classroom training in: |
(A) de-escalation techniques; |
(B) self-defense; |
(C) discerning between self-defense scenarios |
and interdiction scenarios; |
(D) the dangers and potential legal consequences |
of attempting to interdict a crime that does not pose a threat to |
the license holder; |
(E) tactical thinking relating to cover for and |
concealment of the license holder; |
(F) the principles of tactical movement; |
(G) methods to conceal a handgun and methods to |
ensure the secure carrying of a concealed handgun; |
(H) the laws pertaining to where and when a |
holder of an enhanced license may not carry a handgun in this state; |
and |
(I) the consequences of improper use of a |
handgun; and |
(4) provide at least 20 hours of in-person field |
instruction, including at least 16 hours on a live-fire shooting |
range, in the use of handguns, including: |
(A) instinctive or reactive shooting; |
(B) discerning between "shoot" and "don't shoot" |
scenarios; |
(C) tactical shooting; |
(D) shooting while moving; |
(E) shooting in low-light conditions; |
(F) tactical movement through doorways and |
hallways where an assailant may be present; and |
(G) tactical movement into and out of rooms where |
an assailant may be present. |
(d) To receive an enhanced license, a license holder must |
complete a physical demonstration of proficiency in the use of one |
or more handguns and in handgun safety procedures as provided by |
Section 411.188(d)(2), to be administered by a qualified handgun |
instructor. The physical demonstration of proficiency described by |
this subsection must be completed not earlier than the 180th day |
before the date of application. |
(e) The department shall issue a renewal license without the |
enhanced license designation unless the application for renewal |
includes proof that the applicant has successfully repeated the |
demonstration of handgun proficiency described by Subsection (d) |
under the supervision of a qualified handgun instructor not earlier |
than the 180th day before the date the application for the renewal |
of the enhanced license is submitted. |
(f) An applicant for an enhanced license is responsible for |
paying to the course provider the costs incurred by the provider in |
administering the training course and handgun proficiency |
demonstration under this section. |
(g) The training course under Subsection (c) and the handgun |
proficiency demonstration under Subsection (d) may be administered |
in any state, district, or territory of the United States, provided |
that it is administered by a person certified by a governmental |
entity to provide instruction in the use of handguns. |
(h) Except as otherwise provided by this section, a |
governmental entity that employs or otherwise supervises a holder |
of an enhanced license may not adopt a rule or regulation that |
prohibits the license holder from carrying a concealed, holstered |
handgun while fulfilling the license holder's official duties. |
(i) A school district or an open-enrollment charter school |
may prohibit an employee who holds an enhanced license from |
carrying a handgun while fulfilling the license holder's duties as |
an employee of the school district or charter school only if: |
(1) the employee is performing duties in a school |
building that is consistently staffed during classroom hours with |
at least one school resource officer or school marshal who is armed |
with a functional semiautomatic firearm loaded with at least seven |
rounds of ammunition; or |
(2) the employee is performing duties on a school |
campus that is consistently staffed during classroom hours with at |
least two school resource officers or school marshals each of whom |
is armed with a functional semiautomatic firearm loaded with at |
least seven rounds of ammunition. |
(j) A governmental entity may prohibit an employee who holds |
an enhanced license from carrying a handgun within an area in which: |
(1) each accessible point of entry is controlled and |
guarded by: |
(A) at least one peace officer or public security |
officer acting in the official discharge of the officer's duties; |
or |
(B) at least one commissioned security officer |
acting in the official discharge of the officer's duties; |
(2) each officer described by Subdivision (1) carries |
on the officer's person a readily dischargeable firearm that the |
officer is trained and qualified to use; |
(3) each person entering the location is screened for |
weapons with a metal detector or magnetometer designed for security |
applications; and |
(4) the belongings of each person entering the |
location are screened either by: |
(A) use of an x-ray machine designed for security |
applications; or |
(B) an exhaustive hand search. |
(k) A governmental entity may prohibit an employee who holds |
an enhanced license from carrying a handgun within an area that: |
(1) is not open to the public; |
(2) is used for medical, scientific, or engineering |
purposes; and |
(3) presents a specific danger due to the presence of: |
(A) dangerous pathogens; |
(B) powerful electromagnets; or |
(C) exceptionally poisonous, corrosive, or |
combustible chemicals. |
(l) A governmental entity may prohibit an employee who holds |
an enhanced license from carrying a handgun on premises described |
by Section 46.03(a)(3), (5), (9), (10), or (12), Penal Code. |
SECTION 5. Section 30.06, Penal Code, is amended by adding |
Subsection (h) to read as follows: |
(h) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that |
the license holder carries a concealed, holstered handgun and holds |
a license to carry a handgun issued by this state with an enhanced |
designation under Section 411.1845, Government Code. The defense |
provided under this subsection is unavailable if the license holder |
was personally given notice by oral communication described by |
Subsection (b) and subsequently failed to depart. |
SECTION 6. Section 46.15, Penal Code, is amended by adding |
Subsections (s) and (t) to read as follows: |
(s) Sections 46.03(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(4), (a)(7), (a)(8), |
(a)(11), (a)(13), (a)(14), (a-3), and (a-4) do not apply to a person |
who holds a license in this state to carry a handgun issued under |
Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, if: |
(1) the person's license to carry a handgun bears an |
enhanced license designation under Section 411.1845, Government |
Code; |
(2) the person carries one or more handguns, each of |
which is concealed and carried in a holster, and no other type of |
weapon to which Section 46.03 applies; |
(3) the person is not intoxicated; |
(4) the person does not consume alcohol while in the |
location; |
(5) the location is not secured as described by |
Section 411.1845(j), Government Code; and |
(6) the person does not deliberately display or reveal |
the presence of the handgun, except under circumstances that would |
justify the use of deadly force under Section 9.32 or 9.33. |
(t) The defense provided by Subsection (s) is not available |
if: |
(1) the portion of a premises in which firearms are |
forbidden: |
(A) is not open to the public; |
(B) is used for medical, scientific, or |
engineering purposes; and |
(C) presents a specific danger due to the |
presence of: |
(i) dangerous pathogens; |
(ii) powerful electromagnets; or |
(iii) exceptionally poisonous, corrosive, |
or combustible chemicals; and |
(2) the license holder was personally given notice by |
oral communication that firearms are prohibited in that area and |
subsequently failed to depart. |
SECTION 7. The public safety director of the Department of |
Public Safety shall adopt the rules necessary to implement Section |
411.1845, Government Code, as added by this Act, not later than July |
1, 2026. |
SECTION 8. A qualified handgun instructor may not offer the |
training course described by Section 411.1845(c), Government Code, |
as added by this Act, or administer a handgun proficiency |
demonstration under Section 411.1845(d), Government Code, as added |
by this Act, before September 1, 2026. |
SECTION 9. The changes in law made by this Act in amending |
Sections 30.06 and 46.15, Penal Code, apply only to an offense |
committed on or after September 1, 2026. An offense committed |
before September 1, 2026, is governed by the law in effect |
immediately before that date, and the former law is continued in |
effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense |
was committed before September 1, 2026, if any element of the |
offense occurred before that date. |
SECTION 10. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |