77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session NOTE: Matter within { + braces and plus signs + } in an amended section is new. Matter within { - braces and minus signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within { + braces and plus signs + } . LC 3840 House Bill 3514 Sponsored by Representative OLSON; Representatives BARKER, BARNHART, BENTZ, BERGER, HOLVEY, HOYLE, LIVELY, NATHANSON, WHITSETT, WILLIAMSON SUMMARY The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's brief statement of the essential features of the measure as introduced. Requires public universities that commission police officers to allow officers to carry firearms. A BILL FOR AN ACT Relating to university police; amending ORS 352.383. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: SECTION 1. ORS 352.383 is amended to read: 352.383. (1) The State Board of Higher Education may, at the request of a public university under its control, authorize the university to establish a police department and commission one or more employees as police officers. A police department established under this section has all of the authority and immunity of a municipal police department of this state. (2) Police officers commissioned under this section: (a) May enforce criminal laws and any administrative rules and policies adopted by the board or the commissioning university; and (b) Have all the authority and immunity of a peace officer or police officer of this state. (3) { - When - } { + If + } a university establishes a police department and commissions one or more employees as police officers { - , - } { + : (a) The university shall allow the police officers to carry firearms in the performance of duty; and (b) + } The president of the university, in cooperation with the chief of the police department, shall establish a process by which the university will receive and respond to complaints involving the policies of the police department and the conduct of the police officers. (4) The board may: (a) Enter into an agreement, or authorize a university under its control to enter into an agreement, with a municipal corporation or any department, agency or political subdivision of this state for the provision of mutual aid by their respective police officers. (b) Adopt rules to carry out the provisions of this section. ----------