S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 6422 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y March 26, 2013 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. THIELE, RAIA -- read once and referred to the Committee on Codes AN ACT to amend the criminal procedure law, in relation to bay consta- bles appointed by a county, city, town or village within the defi- nition of peace officers THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 18 of section 2.10 of the criminal procedure 2 law, as amended by chapter 224 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read 3 as follows: 4 18. Bay [constable of the city of Rye, the villages of Mamaroneck, 5 South Nyack and bay constables of the towns of East Hampton, Hempstead, 6 Oyster Bay, Riverhead, Southampton, Southold, Islip, Shelter Island, 7 Brookhaven, Babylon, Smithtown, Huntington and North Hempstead; 8 provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision shall be deemed to 9 authorize the bay constables in the city of Rye, the village of South 10 Nyack or the towns of Brookhaven, Babylon, Southold, East Hampton, 11 Riverhead, Islip, other than a bay constable of the town of Islip who 12 prior to April third, nineteen hundred ninety-eight served as harbormas- 13 ter for such town and whose position was reclassified as bay constable 14 for such town prior to such date, Smithtown, Huntington and Shelter 15 Island to carry, possess, repair or dispose of a firearm unless the 16 appropriate license therefor has been issued pursuant to section 400.00 17 of the penal law] CONSTABLES APPOINTED BY A COUNTY, CITY, TOWN OR 18 VILLAGE. 19 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD10030-01-3