S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ S. 6630 A. 8822 S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y February 19, 2014 ___________ IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered print- ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conservation IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. THIELE, PALUMBO -- read once and referred to the Committee on Environmental Conservation AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to hunt- ing in Suffolk county THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraphs b, c, d, e, f and g of subdivision 7 of section 2 11-0903 of the environmental conservation law are relettered paragraphs 3 c, d, e, f, g and h. 4 S 2. Paragraphs a and c of subdivision 7 of section 11-0903 of the 5 environmental conservation law, paragraph c as amended by section 35 of 6 part F of chapter 82 of the laws of 2002 and as relettered by section 7 one of this act, such subdivision as renumbered by chapter 911 of the 8 laws of 1990, are amended to read as follows: 9 a. [Such] IN WESTCHESTER COUNTY, SUCH season shall not include Satur- 10 days or Sundays [and]; 11 B. SUCH SEASON shall not commence earlier than during the first full 12 week in January nor shall it continue later than January 31 in any year; 13 c. Deer may be taken only by holders of a license authorizing the 14 taking of big game who have also obtained a special permit provided by 15 the department and issued by the town clerk of each town where such 16 season is fixed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, IN SUFFOLK COUNTY A TOWN MAY, BY 17 LOCAL LAW, FOREGO THE REQUIREMENTS TO ISSUE PERMITS; 18 S 3. a. Any local law authorizing a town to opt out of the permit 19 requirements established by section 11-0903 of the environmental conser- 20 vation law must be passed by the local legislature prior to March first 21 and shall apply to all special seasons established pursuant to such 22 section that commence after such passage until such local law is 23 repealed. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD13838-01-4 S. 6630 2 A. 8822 1 b. Any town that opts out of the permit requirements of section 2 11-0903 of the environmental conservation law shall notify the depart- 3 ment of the passage of the local law authorizing such action by the town 4 on the same date that the town sends notification of the final adoption 5 of such local law to the department of state pursuant to section twen- 6 ty-seven of the municipal home rule law. 7 S 4. This act shall take effect immediately.