S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 1223 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y January 8, 2015 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. BRENNAN, PRETLOW, KAVANAGH, GUNTHER, LUPARDO, COLTON, ENGLEBRIGHT, LIFTON, CAHILL, ROBINSON, MAGNARELLI, ABINANTI, BENEDETTO, GOLDFEDER, JAFFEE, PAULIN -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. CRESPO, CYMBROWITZ, DenDEKKER, GALEF, GLICK, GOTTFRIED, HOOPER, MARKEY, McDONOUGH, PEOPLES-STOKES, PERRY, RAIA, RAMOS, SCHIMEL, THIELE, TITONE -- read once and referred to the Committee on Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions AN ACT to amend the public service law, in relation to directing the public service commission to conduct an in-depth public interest anal- ysis of proposed mergers by telephone corporations and other telecom- munications services providers over which said commission has juris- diction THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Legislative findings and purpose. The legislature finds 2 the public interest to require closer scrutiny of proposed telecommuni- 3 cations industry transfers of control, and declares that, except where 4 the public interest requires a contrary result, a portion of the bene- 5 fits of such mergers should be returned to the state's ratepayers. 6 S 2. Subdivision 2 of section 99 of the public service law, as amended 7 by chapter 383 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows: 8 2. (A) No franchise nor any right to or under any franchise to own or 9 operate a telegraph line or telephone line shall be assigned, trans- 10 ferred, or leased, nor shall any contract or agreement hereafter made 11 with reference to or affecting any such franchise or right be valid or 12 of any force or effect whatsoever[,] unless the assignment, transfer, 13 lease, contract, or agreement shall have been approved by the commis- 14 sion. 15 (B) No telephone corporation shall transfer or lease its works or 16 system or any part of such works or system to any other person or corpo- 17 ration or contract for the operation of its works or system[,] without EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02448-01-5 A. 1223 2 1 the written consent of the commission. [Notwithstanding the foregoing, 2 any such transfer or lease between affiliated corporations with an 3 original cost of (a) less than one hundred thousand dollars proposed by 4 a telephone corporation having annual gross revenues in excess of two 5 hundred million dollars, (b) less than twenty-five thousand dollars 6 proposed by a telephone corporation having annual gross revenues of less 7 than two hundred million but more than ten million dollars or (c) less 8 than ten thousand dollars proposed by a telephone corporation having 9 annual gross revenues of less than ten million dollars and any other 10 transfer or lease between non-affiliates regardless of cost shall be 11 effective without the commission's written consent within ninety days 12 after such corporation notifies the commission that it plans to complete 13 such transfer or lease and submits a description of the transfer or 14 lease, unless the commission, or its designee, determines within such 15 ninety days that the public interest requires the commission's review 16 and written consent.] 17 (C) (1) NO CONSENT SHALL BE GIVEN BY THE COMMISSION TO THE ASSIGNMENT, 18 TRANSFER, OR LEASE OF ANY RIGHT OR FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A TELEGRAPH LINE 19 OR TELEPHONE LINE UNLESS IT SHALL HAVE BEEN SHOWN THAT SUCH ASSIGNMENT, 20 TRANSFER, OR LEASE IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST. 21 (2) NO CONSENT SHALL BE GIVEN BY THE COMMISSION TO THE ASSIGNMENT, 22 TRANSFER, OR LEASE OF ANY RIGHT OR FRANCHISE TO OPERATE ANY PART OF A 23 TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S WORKS OR SYSTEM, OR TO A CONTRACT FOR THE OPERA- 24 TION OF SUCH ENTITY'S WORKS OR SYSTEM, UNLESS IT SHALL HAVE BEEN SHOWN 25 THAT SUCH ASSIGNMENT, TRANSFER, OR LEASE OR CONTRACT IS IN THE PUBLIC 26 INTEREST. 27 (D) BEFORE AUTHORIZING THE MERGER, ACQUISITION, ASSIGNMENT, LEASE, OR 28 TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF ANY TELEPHONE CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND DOING 29 BUSINESS IN THIS STATE, AND ONLY WHERE ANY OF THE ENTITIES THAT ARE 30 PARTIES TO THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION HAS GROSS ANNUAL NEW YORK REVENUES 31 EXCEEDING TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS THE COMMISSION SHALL FIND THAT THE 32 PROPOSAL DOES ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 33 (1) PROVIDES SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM ECONOMIC BENEFITS TO RATEPAYERS. 34 (2) EQUITABLY ALLOCATES, WHERE THE COMMISSION HAS RATEMAKING AUTHORI- 35 TY, THE TOTAL SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM FORECASTED ECONOMIC BENEFITS, AS 36 DETERMINED BY THE COMMISSION, OF THE PROPOSED MERGER, ACQUISITION, OR 37 CONTROL BETWEEN SHAREHOLDERS AND RATEPAYERS. RATEPAYERS SHALL RECEIVE 38 NOT LESS THAN FORTY PERCENT OF SUCH BENEFITS; PROVIDED, HOWEVER THAT 39 REINVESTMENT OF SUCH BENEFITS IN A TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S IN-STATE 40 INFRASTRUCTURE MAY BE DEEMED TO SATISFY SUCH REQUIREMENT. 41 (3) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE RESULTING 42 TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THE STATE AND DOES NOT UNREA- 43 SONABLY ALLOCATE A TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S DEBT TO A DIVESTITURE ENTITY 44 CREATED FROM AN EXISTING TELEPHONE CORPORATION. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS 45 SECTION, A DIVESTITURE ENTITY IS A BUSINESS ENTITY CREATED BY THE 46 ASSIGNMENT, EXCHANGE, SALE, OR OTHER TRANSFER OF SOME OR ALL OF AN 47 EXISTING TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S LINES, SYSTEM, OR WORKS TO A NEW TELE- 48 PHONE CORPORATION. 49 (4) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF SERVICE TO TELEPHONE CORPO- 50 RATION RATEPAYERS IN THE STATE. 51 (5) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT OF THE RESULTING 52 TELEPHONE CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS IN THE STATE. 53 (6) IS FAIR AND REASONABLE TO AFFECTED TELEPHONE CORPORATION EMPLOY- 54 EES, INCLUDING BOTH UNION AND NONUNION EMPLOYEES. 55 (7) IS FAIR AND REASONABLE TO THE MAJORITY OF ALL AFFECTED TELEPHONE 56 CORPORATIONS. A. 1223 3 1 (8) IS BENEFICIAL ON AN OVERALL BASIS TO STATE AND LOCAL ECONOMIES AND 2 TO THE COMMUNITIES IN THE AREA SERVED BY THE RESULTING ENTITY AND DOES 3 NOT ALLOCATE SUBSTANTIALLY UNFUNDED PENSION OR HEALTH CARE OBLIGATIONS 4 OR OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TO A RESULTING TELEPHONE CORPORATION. 5 (9) PRESERVES THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMISSION AND THE CAPACITY OF 6 THE COMMISSION TO EFFECTIVELY REGULATE AND AUDIT TELEPHONE CORPORATION 7 OPERATIONS IN THE STATE. 8 (10) PROVIDES MITIGATION MEASURES TO PREVENT SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE 9 CONSEQUENCES WHICH MAY RESULT. 10 (11) DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT COMPETITION. IN MAKING THIS FINDING, 11 THE COMMISSION SHALL REQUEST AN ADVISORY OPINION FROM THE ATTORNEY 12 GENERAL REGARDING WHETHER OR NOT COMPETITION WILL BE ADVERSELY AFFECTED 13 AND WHAT MITIGATORY MEASURES COULD BE ADOPTED TO AVOID ANY SUCH ADVERSE 14 EFFECT. 15 (E) WHEN REVIEWING A MERGER, ACQUISITION, OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL 16 PROPOSAL, THE COMMISSION SHALL CONSIDER REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES OR 17 MODIFICATIONS TO THE PROPOSAL RECOMMENDED BY OTHER PARTIES, INCLUDING NO 18 MERGER, ACQUISITION, OR CONTROL, TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT COMPARABLE 19 SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM ECONOMIC SAVINGS CAN BE ACHIEVED THROUGH OTHER 20 MEANS WHILE AVOIDING THE POSSIBLE ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF THE PROPOSAL. 21 (F) THE PERSON OR CORPORATION SEEKING ACQUISITION OR CONTROL OF A 22 TELEPHONE CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND DOING BUSINESS IN THIS STATE SHALL 23 HAVE BEFORE THE COMMISSION THE BURDEN OF PROVING BY A PREPONDERANCE OF 24 THE EVIDENCE THAT THE REQUIREMENTS OF PARAGRAPH (D) OF THIS SUBDIVISION 25 ARE MET. 26 (G) IN DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT AN ACQUIRING TELEPHONE CORPORATION 27 HAS GROSS ANNUAL REVENUES EXCEEDING THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 28 (D) OF THIS SUBDIVISION, THE REVENUES OF THAT TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S 29 AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED, UNLESS THE AFFILIATE IS TO BE 30 UTILIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF EFFECTING SUCH MERGER, ACQUISITION, OR 31 CONTROL. 32 (H) SUBPARAGRAPHS ONE AND TWO OF PARAGRAPH (D) OF THIS SUBDIVISION 33 SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE FORMATION OF A HOLDING COMPANY. 34 (I) SUBPARAGRAPHS ONE AND TWO OF PARAGRAPH (D) OF THIS SUBDIVISION 35 SHALL NOT APPLY TO ACQUISITIONS OR CHANGES IN CONTROL THAT ARE MANDATED 36 BY EITHER THE COMMISSION OR THE LEGISLATURE. 37 (J) THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL ONLY APPLY TO ASSIGNMENTS, TRANSFERS OR 38 LEASES OF WORKS OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PROVID- 39 ERS IF THE PROPOSED MERGER, ACQUISITION, ASSIGNMENT, LEASE, OR TRANSFER 40 INVOLVES A TELEPHONE COMPANY OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDER THAT 41 PROVIDES, AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THE TRANSACTION INVOLVES, NON-COMPETI- 42 TIVE BASIC RATE RESIDENTIAL OR LIFELINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO AT 43 LEAST ONE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER. 44 S 3. Section 100 of the public service law, as amended by chapter 226 45 of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows: 46 S 100. Transfer and ownership of stock. 1. No telegraph corporation or 47 telephone corporation, domestic or foreign, shall hereafter purchase 48 [or], acquire, take, or hold any part of the capital stock of any tele- 49 graph corporation or telephone corporation organized or existing under 50 the laws of this state unless authorized so to do by the commission. 51 2. Save where stock shall be transferred or held for the purpose of 52 collateral security, no stock corporation, domestic or foreign, company, 53 including, but not limited to, a limited liability company, association, 54 including a joint stock association, partnership, including a limited 55 liability partnership, or person, other than a telegraph corporation or 56 telephone corporation, shall, without the consent of the commission, A. 1223 4 1 purchase [or], acquire, take, or hold more than ten [per centum] PERCENT 2 of the voting capital stock issued by any telegraph corporation or tele- 3 phone corporation organized or existing under or by virtue of the laws 4 of this state. Any corporation now lawfully holding a majority of the 5 voting capital stock of any telegraph corporation or telephone corpo- 6 ration may, without the consent of the commission, acquire and hold the 7 remainder of the voting capital stock of such telegraph corporation or 8 telephone corporation[,] or any portion thereof. 9 3. (A) No consent shall be given by the commission to the acquisition 10 of any stock in accordance with this section unless it shall have been 11 shown that such acquisition is in the public interest[; provided, howev- 12 er, that any], WHICH THE COMMISSION SHALL DETERMINE BY FINDING THAT THE 13 PROPOSAL DOES ALL OF THE FOLLOWING, TO THE EXTENT DETERMINED TO BE 14 APPLICABLE: 15 (I) PROVIDES SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM ECONOMIC BENEFITS TO RATEPAYERS. 16 (II) EQUITABLY ALLOCATES, WHERE APPLICABLE AND WHERE THE COMMISSION 17 HAS RATEMAKING AUTHORITY, THE TOTAL SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM FORECASTED 18 ECONOMIC BENEFITS, AS DETERMINED BY THE COMMISSION, OF THE PROPOSED 19 ACQUISITION, PURCHASE, SALE, TRANSFER, OR RETENTION BETWEEN SHAREHOLDERS 20 AND RATEPAYERS. RATEPAYERS SHALL RECEIVE NOT LESS THAN FORTY PERCENT OF 21 THOSE BENEFITS; PROVIDED, HOWEVER THAT REINVESTMENT OF SUCH BENEFITS IN 22 A TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S IN-STATE INFRASTRUCTURE MAY BE DEEMED TO 23 SATISFY SUCH REQUIREMENT. 24 (III) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE RESULTING 25 TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THE STATE AND DOES NOT UNREA- 26 SONABLY ALLOCATE A TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S DEBT TO A DIVESTITURE ENTITY 27 CREATED FROM AN EXISTING TELEPHONE CORPORATION. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS 28 SECTION, A DIVESTITURE ENTITY IS A BUSINESS ENTITY CREATED BY THE 29 ASSIGNMENT, EXCHANGE, SALE, OR OTHER TRANSFER OF SOME OR ALL OF AN 30 EXISTING TELEPHONE CORPORATION'S LINES, SYSTEM, OR WORKS TO A NEW TELE- 31 PHONE CORPORATION. 32 (IV) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF SERVICE TO TELEPHONE CORPO- 33 RATION RATEPAYERS IN THE STATE. 34 (V) MAINTAINS OR IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT OF THE RESULTING 35 TELEPHONE CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS IN THE STATE. 36 (VI) IS FAIR AND REASONABLE TO AFFECTED TELEPHONE CORPORATION EMPLOY- 37 EES, INCLUDING BOTH UNION AND NONUNION EMPLOYEES. 38 (VII) IS FAIR AND REASONABLE TO THE MAJORITY OF ALL AFFECTED TELEPHONE 39 CORPORATIONS. 40 (VIII) IS BENEFICIAL, ON AN OVERALL BASIS, TO STATE AND LOCAL ECONO- 41 MIES, AND TO THE COMMUNITIES IN THE AREA SERVED BY THE RESULTING ENTITY 42 AND DOES NOT ALLOCATE SUBSTANTIALLY UNFUNDED PENSION OR HEALTH CARE 43 OBLIGATIONS OR OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TO A RESULTING TELEPHONE CORPO- 44 RATION. 45 (IX) PRESERVES THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMISSION AND THE CAPACITY OF 46 THE COMMISSION TO EFFECTIVELY REGULATE AND AUDIT TELEPHONE CORPORATION 47 OPERATIONS IN THE STATE. 48 (X) PROVIDES MITIGATION MEASURES TO PREVENT SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE CONSE- 49 QUENCES WHICH MAY RESULT FROM SUCH ACQUISITION. 50 (XI) DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT COMPETITION. IN MAKING THIS FINDING, 51 THE COMMISSION SHALL REQUEST AN ADVISORY OPINION FROM THE ATTORNEY 52 GENERAL REGARDING WHETHER OR NOT COMPETITION WILL BE ADVERSELY AFFECTED 53 AND WHAT MITIGATORY MEASURES COULD BE ADOPTED TO AVOID ANY SUCH ADVERSE 54 EFFECT. 55 (B) ANY such consent HOWEVER, shall be deemed to be granted by the 56 commission ninety days after such corporation applies to the commission A. 1223 5 1 for its consent, unless the commission, or its designee, determines and 2 informs the applicant in writing within such ninety day period that the 3 public interest requires the commission's review and its written 4 consent. Nothing [herein] contained IN THIS SECTION shall be construed 5 to prevent the holding of any stock heretofore lawfully acquired, nor to 6 prevent, upon the surrender or exchange of such stock pursuant to a 7 reorganization plan, the purchase, acquisition, taking, or holding of a 8 proportionate amount of stock of any new corporation organized to take 9 over, at foreclosure or other sale, the property of any corporation 10 whose stock has been thus surrendered or exchanged[;], but the propor- 11 tion of the voting capital stock of the new corporation held by a stock 12 corporation, company, association, partnership or person and acquired by 13 it by any such surrender or exchange of stock shall not without the 14 consent of the commission exceed the proportion of the voting capital 15 stock held by it in the former corporation. 16 (C) THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL ONLY APPLY TO MERGERS, ACQUISITIONS, 17 ASSIGNMENTS, LEASES, OR TRANSFERS OF CONTROL OF TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS 18 OR OTHER TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PROVIDERS IF THE PROPOSED MERGER, 19 ACQUISITION, ASSIGNMENT, LEASE, OR TRANSFER INVOLVES A TELEPHONE COMPANY 20 OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDER THAT PROVIDES, AND ONLY TO THE 21 EXTENT THE TRANSACTION INVOLVES, NON-COMPETITIVE BASIC RATE RESIDENTIAL 22 OR LIFELINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO AT LEAST ONE RESIDENTIAL 23 CUSTOMER. 24 4. Every contract, assignment, transfer, or agreement for transfer of 25 any stock by or through any person or corporation to any corporation, 26 company, association, partnership or person, in violation of any 27 provision of this chapter shall be void and of no effect, and no such 28 transfer or assignment shall be made upon the books of any such tele- 29 graph corporation or telephone corporation[,] or shall be recognized as 30 effective for any purpose. 31 5. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL ONLY APPLY TO THE OWNERSHIP 32 TRANSFER OF STOCKS WHERE ANY PARTY TO SUCH TRANSFER HAS ANNUAL NEW YORK 33 GROSS REVENUES EXCEEDING TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. 34 S 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after 35 it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, all rules and regu- 36 lations and any other measures necessary to implement any provision of 37 this act on its effective date may be promulgated and taken, respective- 38 ly, on or before the effective date of such provision.