

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 10, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. PAULIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on  Codes  -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to the purchase and  disposal
          of  firearms,  rifles and shotguns; and to amend the executive law, in
          relation to the reporting of  firearms  seized  or  recovered  by  law

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Section 265.17 of the penal law, as amended by  chapter  1
     2  of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as follows:
     3  § 265.17 Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon.
     4    A person is guilty of criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon when:
     5    1.  Knowing  that  he  or  she  is prohibited by law from possessing a
     6  firearm, rifle or shotgun because of a prior conviction  or  because  of
     7  some  other  disability  which  would  render  him  or her ineligible to
     8  lawfully possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state,  or  knowing
     9  that he or she is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued
    10  upon  the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, such person
    11  purchases or otherwise acquires a firearm, rifle or shotgun from another
    12  person; or
    13    2. Knowing that it would be unlawful for another person to  possess  a
    14  firearm, rifle or shotgun, or knowing that another person is the subject
    15  of  an  outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission
    16  of a felony or  serious  offense,  he  or  she  purchases  or  otherwise
    17  acquires  a  firearm, rifle or shotgun for, on behalf of, or for the use
    18  of such other person; or
    19    3. Knowing that another person is prohibited by law from possessing  a
    20  firearm,  rifle  or  shotgun because of a prior conviction or because of
    21  some other disability which  would  render  him  or  her  ineligible  to
    22  lawfully  possess  a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state, or knowing

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6198--A                          2

     1  that another person is the subject of an outstanding warrant  of  arrest
     2  issued  upon  the  alleged  commission of a felony or serious offense, a
     3  person disposes of a firearm, rifle or shotgun to such other person.
     4    Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon is a class D felony.
     5    §  2.  Subdivisions  4  and  5 of section 230 of the executive law, as
     6  added by chapter 189 of the laws of 2000,  are  amended  and  three  new
     7  subdivisions 6, 7 and 8 are added to read as follows:
     8    4.  The superintendent of the division of state police shall establish
     9  and maintain within the division  a  criminal  gun  clearinghouse  as  a
    10  central  repository of information regarding all guns seized, forfeited,
    11  found or otherwise coming into the possession of any state or local  law
    12  enforcement  agency  which are believed to have been used in the commis-
    13  sion of a crime. The superintendent of  the  division  of  state  police
    14  shall  adopt and promulgate regulations prescribing reporting procedures
    15  for such state or local law enforcement agencies, including the form for
    16  reporting such information. In addition to any other  information  which
    17  the superintendent of the division of state police may require, the form
    18  shall  require (a) the serial number or other identifying information on
    19  the gun, if available and (b) a brief description of  the  circumstances
    20  under  which  the  gun  came  into the possession of the law enforcement
    21  agency, including the crime which was or may have  been  committed  with
    22  the  gun.  Whenever  a  state  or local law enforcement agency seizes or
    23  recovers a gun that was unlawfully possessed,  recovered  from  a  crime
    24  scene, or is reasonably believed to have been used in or associated with
    25  the  commission  of a crime, or is otherwise recovered by such agency as
    26  an abandoned or discarded gun, such agency shall report such  seized  or
    27  recovered  gun to the criminal gun clearinghouse as soon as practicable,
    28  but in no case more than twenty-four hours after such agency  has  taken
    29  possession of such gun.  Every report made to the criminal gun clearing-
    30  house  shall result in the submission of a request to the national trac-
    31  ing center of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives to
    32  initiate a trace of  such  gun  and  the  bureau  of  alcohol,  tobacco,
    33  firearms  and  explosives  shall  be  directed  to provide the gun trace
    34  results to the superintendent of the division of state police and to the
    35  law enforcement agency that submitted the clearinghouse report.
    36    5. [In any case where a state or local law enforcement agency investi-
    37  gates the commission of a crime in this state  and  a  specific  gun  is
    38  known  to  have  been  used  in  such  crime, such agency shall submit a
    39  request to the national tracing center of the United  States  Department
    40  of  Treasury, bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms to trace the move-
    41  ment of such gun and such federal agency shall be requested  to  provide
    42  the  superintendent  of  the  division of state police and the local law
    43  enforcement agency with the results of such a  trace.  This  subdivision
    44  shall  not  apply  where the source of a gun is already known to a local
    45  law enforcement agency.] All state and local  law  enforcement  agencies
    46  shall  participate  in  the  bureau  of  alcohol,  tobacco, firearms and
    47  explosives collective data sharing program for the  purpose  of  sharing
    48  gun  trace  data  among  all  law enforcement agencies in the state on a
    49  reciprocal basis.
    50    6. (a) Whenever a state or local  law  enforcement  agency  seizes  or
    51  recovers  a  gun that was unlawfully possessed, recovered from the scene
    52  of a crime, or is reasonably  believed  to have been used in or  associ-
    53  ated  with  the commission of a crime, or is otherwise recovered by such
    54  agency as an abandoned or discarded gun, such agency shall  arrange  for
    55  every  such  gun that is determined to be of a type that is eligible for
    56  national integrated ballistic information network data entry and  corre-

        A. 6198--A                          3

     1  lation  to be test-fired as soon as practicable, and the results of such
     2  test-firing shall be submitted  forthwith  to  the  national  integrated
     3  ballistic  information  network to determine whether such gun is associ-
     4  ated or related to a crime, criminal event, or any individual associated
     5  or  related  to  a  crime or criminal event or reasonably believed to be
     6  associated or related to a crime or criminal event.
     7    (b) Whenever a state or local law enforcement agency seizes or  recov-
     8  ers any ammunition cartridge case from the scene of a crime that is of a
     9  type  that  is  eligible  for  national integrated ballistic information
    10  network data entry and correlation, or otherwise has reason  to  believe
    11  that any seized or recovered ammunition cartridge case that is of a type
    12  that  is  eligible for national integrated ballistic information network
    13  data entry and correlation is related to or associated with the  commis-
    14  sion  of  a crime or the unlawful discharge of a gun, such agency shall,
    15  as soon as practicable, arrange for the  ballistics  information  to  be
    16  submitted to the national integrated ballistic information network.
    17    7. Whenever a state or local law enforcement agency seizes or recovers
    18  any  gun, such agency shall promptly enter the make, model, caliber, and
    19  serial number of such gun into the  national  crime  information  center
    20  system to determine whether such gun was reported stolen.
    21    8.  The  superintendent  may adopt rules and regulations to effectuate
    22  the provisions of this section.
    23    § 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.