                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     March 22, 2017
        Introduced  by Sen. HAMILTON -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
        AN ACT to amend the  mental  hygiene  law  and  the  education  law,  in
          relation  to establishing the urban youth gun violence reduction pilot
          program; making an  appropriation  therefor;  and  providing  for  the
          repeal of certain provisions upon expiration thereof
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be  cited  as  the  "urban
     2  youth gun violence reduction pilot program".
     3    §  2.  Title  B  of  the mental hygiene law is amended by adding a new
     4  article 11 to read as follows:
     5                                 ARTICLE 11
     6                          URBAN YOUTH GUN VIOLENCE
     7                           REDUCTION PILOT PROGRAM
     8  Section 11.01 Definitions.
     9          11.03 Establishment.
    10          11.05 Social worker services.
    11          11.07 Youth mental health first aid training.
    12          11.09 Mental health curriculums.
    13  § 11.01 Definitions.
    14    As used in this article:
    15    (a) "Gun violence" means physical injuries and deaths  caused  by  the
    16  use of firearms.
    17    (b) "Mental health first aid" means the recognition of the symptoms of
    18  common  mental illnesses and chemical dependency; the safe de-escalation
    19  of crisis situations; and the initiation of timely referral of appropri-
    20  ate students to mental health and chemical dependency  resources  within
    21  the community.
    22    (c)  "Program"  means  the  urban  youth  gun violence reduction pilot
    23  program established in section 11.03 of this article.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5332                             2
     1  § 11.03 Establishment.
     2    The office, in consultation and cooperation with the education depart-
     3  ment,  shall  establish and operate, within five school districts in the
     4  state, the urban  youth  gun  violence  reduction  pilot  program.  Such
     5  program shall provide for the implementation of urban youth gun violence
     6  reduction  programs in twenty-four schools within communities which have
     7  high rates of gun violence.
     8  § 11.05 Social worker services.
     9    The program shall provide for the employment of one additional  social
    10  worker at and in each of the twenty-four participating schools.
    11  § 11.07 Youth mental health first aid training.
    12    (a)  The  office  and education department shall jointly establish and
    13  provide for the provision of youth mental health first aid  training  to
    14  all  teachers  and professionals working in participating schools having
    15  grades seven through twelve.
    16    (b) All staff  members  of  after  school  programs  in  participating
    17  schools  shall  complete  such youth mental health first aid training as
    18  shall be determined by the office. In addition each  such  after  school
    19  program  shall  have  a social worker present during its hours of opera-
    20  tion.
    21  § 11.09 Mental health curriculums.
    22    The office shall enter into a contract with a responsible  and  quali-
    23  fied  party for the establishment of three mental health curriculums for
    24  students in participating schools in grades kindergarten  through  five,
    25  grades six through eight, and grades nine through twelve. Such responsi-
    26  ble  and  qualified  party shall maintain a working advisory council and
    27  provide technical assistance to the  office,  education  department  and
    28  participating schools during the implementation of its curriculums.
    29    §  3.  Section  305  of  the  education law is amended by adding a new
    30  subdivision 56 to read as follows:
    31    56. The commissioner shall provide for and assist in  the  implementa-
    32  tion  of  the urban youth gun violence reduction pilot program, pursuant
    33  to article eleven of the mental hygiene law.
    34    § 4. The sum of twelve million dollars ($12,000,000), or so much ther-
    35  eof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the office of  mental
    36  health  out  of  any moneys in the state treasury in the general fund to
    37  the credit of the state purposes account,  not  otherwise  appropriated,
    38  and  made  immediately  available,  for  the purpose of carrying out the
    39  provisions of this act. Such moneys shall be payable on  the  audit  and
    40  warrant  of  the  comptroller  on  vouchers certified or approved by the
    41  commissioner of mental health in the manner prescribed by law.
    42    § 5. This act shall take effect on the first of July  next  succeeding
    43  the date on which it shall have become a law, and sections two and three
    44  of  this  act shall expire and be deemed repealed three years after they
    45  shall have become a law. Provided that, effective immediately, any rules
    46  and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this act on its
    47  effective date are authorized and directed to be completed on or  before
    48  such date.