June 13, 2019, Introduced by Reps. Steven Johnson, LaFave and Hall and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled


"The Michigan penal code,"


by amending sections 227 and 231a (MCL 750.227 and 750.231a),


section 227 as amended by 1986 PA 8 and section 231a as amended by


2012 PA 427.




     Sec. 227. (1) A person shall not carry a dagger, dirk,


stiletto, a double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any


length, or any other dangerous weapon, except a hunting knife


adapted and carried as such, concealed on or about his or her


person, or whether concealed or otherwise in any vehicle operated


or occupied by the person, except in his or her dwelling house,


place of business or on other land possessed by the person.


     (1) (2) A person shall not carry a pistol concealed on or


about his or her person, or, whether concealed or otherwise, in a


vehicle operated or occupied by the person, except in his or her


dwelling house, place of business, or on other land possessed by


the person, without a license to carry the pistol as provided by


law and if licensed, shall not carry the pistol in a place or


manner inconsistent with any restrictions upon such that license.


     (2) (3) A person who violates this section is guilty of a


felony , punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years , or


by a fine of not more than $2,500.00.


     Sec. 231a. (1) Subsection (2) of section Section 227 does not


apply to any of the following:


     (a) To a person holding a valid license to carry a pistol


concealed upon his or her person issued by his or her state of


residence except where the pistol is carried in nonconformance with


a restriction appearing on the license.


     (b) To the regular and ordinary transportation of pistols as


merchandise by an authorized agent of a person licensed to


manufacture firearms.


     (c) To a person carrying an antique firearm, completely


unloaded in a closed case or container designed for the storage of


firearms in the trunk of a vehicle.


     (d) To a person while transporting a pistol for a lawful


purpose that is licensed by the owner or occupant of the motor


vehicle in compliance with section 2 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.422,


and the pistol is unloaded in a closed case designed for the


storage of firearms in the trunk of the vehicle.


     (e) To a person while transporting a pistol for a lawful


purpose that is licensed by the owner or occupant of the motor

vehicle in compliance with section 2 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.422,


and the pistol is unloaded in a closed case designed for the


storage of firearms in a vehicle that does not have a trunk and is


not readily accessible to the occupants of the vehicle.


     (2) As used in this section, "antique firearm" means either of


the following:


     (i) A firearm not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or


conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and


manufactured in or before 1898, including a matchlock, flintlock,


percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system or replica of


such a firearm, whether actually manufactured before or after 1898.


     (ii) A firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or


before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the


United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels


of commercial trade.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.