June 11, 2014, Introduced by Reps. Santana, Zemke, Irwin, Stallworth, Hobbs, Hovey-Wright and Geiss and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1927 PA 372, entitled


"An act to regulate and license the selling, purchasing,

possessing, and carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices,

and electro-muscular disruption devices; to prohibit the buying,

selling, or carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices, and

electro-muscular disruption devices without a license or other

authorization; to provide for the forfeiture of firearms and

electro-muscular disruption devices under certain circumstances; to

provide for penalties and remedies; to provide immunity from civil

liability under certain circumstances; to prescribe the powers and

duties of certain state and local agencies; to prohibit certain

conduct against individuals who apply for or receive a license to

carry a concealed pistol; to make appropriations; to prescribe

certain conditions for the appropriations; and to repeal all acts

and parts of acts inconsistent with this act,"


(MCL 28.421 to 28.435) by amending the title, as amended by 2012 PA


123, and by adding section 6b.






     An act to regulate and license the selling, purchasing,


possessing, and carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices,


and electro-muscular disruption devices; to prohibit the buying,


selling, or carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices, and


electro-muscular disruption devices without a license or other


authorization; to provide for the forfeiture of firearms,


ammunition, and electro-muscular disruption devices under certain


circumstances; to provide for penalties and remedies; to provide


immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances; to


prescribe the powers and duties of certain state and local


agencies; to prohibit certain conduct against individuals who apply


for or receive a license to carry a concealed pistol; to make


appropriations; to prescribe certain conditions for the


appropriations; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts


inconsistent with this act.


     Sec. 6b. (1) A peace officer who responds to a domestic


violence incident may seize any firearm or ammunition on the


premises if the peace officer believes that the firearm or


ammunition may expose a victim of domestic violence to the risk of


bodily injury and the peace officer has either of the following:


     (a) Probable cause to believe that a domestic violence


incident has occurred.


     (b) Probable cause to believe that the alleged perpetrator is


in violation of a personal protection order, of a conditional


release order, or of a court order prohibiting the possession or


use of firearms or ammunition.


     (2) If a firearm or ammunition is seized under subsection (1),


the law enforcement agency seizing the firearm or ammunition shall


safely store the firearm or ammunition during the pendency of a


proceeding related to the alleged domestic violence incident. The


law enforcement agency shall keep an inventory of all items seized


under subsection (1).


     (3) Within 7 days after a firearm or ammunition is seized


under subsection (1), the agency in possession of the seized


firearm or ammunition shall give notice of the seizure to each of


the following persons:


     (a) The owner of the firearm or ammunition.


     (b) A victim of the domestic violence.


     (4) The notice required under subsection (3) shall be a


written notice delivered to the person or sent to the person by


certified mail. If the name and address of the person are not


reasonably ascertainable or delivery of the notice cannot


reasonably be accomplished, the notice shall be published in a


newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the firearm


or ammunition was seized for 10 successive publishing days.


     (5) Except as otherwise prohibited by law or by personal


protection order or if the seized property has been secured as


evidence in a pending criminal investigation, firearms or


ammunition seized under subsection (1) shall be returned to the


owner within 7 days after the occurrence of any of the following:


     (a) A prosecuting attorney determines that there is


insufficient probable cause to authorize a criminal proceeding.


     (b) A court dismisses the complaint due to insufficient


probable cause.


     (c) The presiding magistrate makes a subsequent finding that


the defendant may use or possess firearms or ammunition.


     (d) The defendant is found not guilty of the charges.


     (e) The presiding court orders the return of the firearm or




     (6) The agency in possession of the seized firearm or


ammunition shall give notice to a victim of the domestic violence


when a firearm or ammunition is returned under subsection (5).


     (7) This section does not impair the right of the prosecuting


attorney or law enforcement agency to retain firearms or ammunition


seized under this section pending a criminal investigation.


     (8) As used in this section, "domestic violence" means that


term as defined in section 1 of 1978 PA 389, MCL 400.1501.