Senate Joint Resolution 2004 - Introduced

                                 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION       
                                 BY  CHELGREN

                                      SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION

  1 A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution
  2    of the State of Iowa relating to the composition of the
  3    militia and the rights of militia members.
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  1  1    Section 1.  The following amendment to the Constitution of
  1  2 the State of Iowa is proposed:
  1  3    Section 1 of Article VI of the Constitution of the State of
  1  4 Iowa, as amended by amendment number 5 of the Amendments of
  1  5 1868, is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof:
  1  6 Composition == training.SECTION 1.  The militia of this
  1  7 state shall be composed of all able=bodied persons eighteen
  1  8 years of age and older who are citizens of the United States
  1  9 of America and this state, are residents of this state, and
  1 10 pay income tax in this state.  The militia shall be armed,
  1 11 equipped, and trained as the general assembly may provide by
  1 12 law.  A militia member shall have all firearm rights under
  1 13 this state's laws. The general assembly shall not bar militia
  1 14 members from possessing or owning firearms, except as otherwise
  1 15 provided by law in effect as of the date this amendment is
  1 16 approved and ratified by the people, including a bar for a
  1 17 criminal record or requiring a valid permit to carry a weapon.
  1 18    Sec. 2.  REFERRAL AND PUBLICATION.  The foregoing proposed
  1 19 amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa is referred
  1 20 to the general assembly to be chosen at the next general
  1 21 election for members of the general assembly, and the secretary
  1 22 of state is directed to cause the proposed amendment to be
  1 23 published for three consecutive months previous to the date of
  1 24 that election as provided by law.
  1 25                           EXPLANATION
  1 26 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 27 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 28    This joint resolution proposes an amendment to the
  1 29 Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the composition
  1 30 of the militia of this state and the rights of militia members.
  1 31 The amendment provides that the militia of this state shall
  1 32 be composed of all able=bodied persons over the age of 18 who
  1 33 are citizens of the United States and Iowa, residents of Iowa,
  1 34 and pay Iowa income tax.  The Constitution of the State of
  1 35 Iowa currently provides that the militia of this state shall
  2  1 be composed of all able=bodied male citizens between the ages
  2  2 of 18 and 45 years who are not exempt by the laws of the United
  2  3 States or of this state.
  2  4    The resolution provides that the militia shall be armed,
  2  5 equipped, and trained as the general assembly may provide by
  2  6 law.  The resolution provides for the rights of members of the
  2  7 militia. The resolution provides that all militia members are
  2  8 guaranteed all firearm rights under Iowa law. The resolution
  2  9 provides that the general assembly shall not specifically bar
  2 10 militia members from possessing or owning firearms, except
  2 11 as otherwise provided by law in effect as of the date the
  2 12 amendment is approved and ratified by the people, including a
  2 13 bar for a criminal record or requiring a valid permit to carry
  2 14 a weapon.
  2 15    The resolution, if adopted, would be published and then
  2 16 referred to the next general assembly (88th) for adoption,
  2 17 before being submitted to the electorate for ratification.
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