Senate File 2239 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO SF 2086)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to going armed with, carrying, or transporting
  2    a firearm when transporting a person to or from school or
  3    delivering an item to the school.
    TLSB 5818SV (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 724.4B, subsection 2, Code 2018, is
  1  2 amended by adding the following new paragraph:
  1  3    NEW PARAGRAPH.  0b.  A person listed under section 724.4,
  1  4 subsection 4, paragraph "i", if the person is on the grounds of
  1  5 the school for the purpose of transporting another person to or
  1  6 from school or delivering an item to or from the school, and if
  1  7 the person remains in a parking area or driveway designed for a
  1  8 motor vehicle.
  1  9                           EXPLANATION
  1 10 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 11 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 12    This bill relates to going armed with, carrying, or
  1 13 transporting a firearm when transporting a person to or from
  1 14 school or delivering an item to or from the school.
  1 15    The bill provides that a person with a valid nonprofessional
  1 16 permit to carry weapons may go armed with, carry, or transport
  1 17 a firearm on school grounds when the person is on the grounds
  1 18 of the school for the purpose of transporting another person to
  1 19 or from school or delivering an item to or from the school, and
  1 20 if the person remains in a parking area or driveway designed
  1 21 for a motor vehicle.
  1 22    A person who goes armed with, carries, or transports a
  1 23 firearm on the grounds of a school in violation of Code section
  1 24 724.4B commits a class "D" felony. A class "D" felony is
  1 25 punishable by confinement for no more than five years and a
  1 26 fine of at least $750 but not more than $7,500.
       LSB 5818SV (4) 87