House File 2283 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON NATURAL

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HF 2066)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to carrying a firearm while operating or riding
  2    on a snowmobile or an all=terrain vehicle.
    TLSB 5067HV (4) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 321G.13, subsection 2, Code 2016, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    2.  a.  A Except as provided in paragraphs "b" and "c", a
  1  4  person shall not operate or ride a snowmobile with a firearm in
  1  5 the person's possession unless it is unloaded and enclosed in a
  1  6 carrying case.
  1  7    b.  However, a A nonambulatory person may carry an uncased
  1  8 and unloaded firearm while operating or riding a snowmobile.
  1  9    c.  (1)  A person may operate or ride on a snowmobile with
  1 10 a loaded firearm, whether concealed or not, if the person has
  1 11 in the person's possession and displays to a peace officer on
  1 12 demand a valid permit to carry weapons which has been issued
  1 13 to the person, and the person's conduct is within the limits
  1 14 of that permit.
  1 15    (2)  A person may operate or ride on a snowmobile with a
  1 16 loaded firearm, whether concealed or not, without a permit to
  1 17 carry weapons, if the person operates or rides on land owned or
  1 18 possessed by the person, and the person's conduct is otherwise
  1 19 lawful.
  1 20    Sec. 2.  Section 321I.14, subsection 2, Code 2016, is amended
  1 21 to read as follows:
  1 22    2.  a.  A Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a
  1 23  person shall not operate or ride an all=terrain vehicle with a
  1 24 firearm in the person's possession unless it is unloaded and
  1 25 enclosed in a carrying case.
  1 26    (1)  However, a A nonambulatory person may carry an uncased
  1 27 and unloaded firearm while operating or riding an all=terrain
  1 28 vehicle.
  1 29    (2)  A person may operate or ride on an all=terrain vehicle
  1 30 with a loaded firearm, whether concealed or not, if the person
  1 31 has in the person's possession and displays to a peace officer
  1 32 on demand a valid permit to carry weapons which has been issued
  1 33 to the person, and the person's conduct is within the limits
  1 34 of that permit.
  1 35    (3)  A person may operate or ride on an all=terrain vehicle
  2  1 with a loaded firearm, whether concealed or not, without a
  2  2 permit to carry weapons, if the person operates or rides on
  2  3 land owned or possessed by the person, and the person's conduct
  2  4 is otherwise lawful.
  2  5    b.  A person shall not discharge a firearm from an
  2  6 all=terrain vehicle when hunting or attempting to hunt game
  2  7 as defined in section 481A.1 or protected nongame species as
  2  8 described in section 481A.42.
  2  9                           EXPLANATION
  2 10 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 11 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 12    This bill relates to carrying a firearm while operating or
  2 13 riding a snowmobile or an all=terrain vehicle.
  2 14    The bill amends Code sections 321G.13(2) and 321I.14(2)
  2 15 to allow a person to operate or ride on a snowmobile or an
  2 16 all=terrain vehicle with a loaded firearm, whether concealed or
  2 17 not, if the person has in the person's possession and displays
  2 18 to a peace officer on demand a valid permit to carry weapons
  2 19 which has been issued to the person, and the person's conduct
  2 20 is within the limits of that permit.
  2 21    The bill allows a person to operate or ride a snowmobile or
  2 22 all=terrain vehicle with a loaded firearm, whether concealed or
  2 23 not, without a permit to carry weapons, if the person operates
  2 24 or rides on land owned or possessed by the person, and the
  2 25 person's conduct is otherwise lawful.
  2 26    The bill also prohibits a person from discharging a firearm
  2 27 from an all=terrain vehicle when hunting or attempting to hunt
  2 28 game as defined in Code section 481A.1 or protected nongame
  2 29 species as described in Code section 481A.42. Current Code
  2 30 section 481A.120 already prohibits a person from hunting from
  2 31 a snowmobile.
  2 32    Current law provides that a person shall not operate or ride
  2 33 on a snowmobile or an all=terrain vehicle with a firearm in the
  2 34 person's possession unless it is unloaded and enclosed in a
  2 35 carrying case.  However, a nonambulatory person may carry an
  3  1 uncased and unloaded firearm while operating or riding on a
  3  2 snowmobile or an all=terrain vehicle.
  3  3    A person who violates Code section 321G.13(2) or 321I.14(2)
  3  4 commits a simple misdemeanor punishable as a scheduled fine in
  3  5 the amount of $100 pursuant to Code section 805.8B(2)(b)(3) or
  3  6 (2A)(b)(3), as applicable.
       LSB 5067HV (4) 86