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1 | AN ACT concerning courts.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is amended by | ||||||
5 | changing Section 6-12 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (705 ILCS 405/6-12)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 6-12. County juvenile justice councils.
| ||||||
8 | (1) Each county, region or subset of a county, or group of | ||||||
9 | counties pursuant to an intergovernmental
agreement, in the | ||||||
10 | State of Illinois may establish a county juvenile
justice | ||||||
11 | council
("council"). Each of the following county and regional | ||||||
12 | officers shall designate a
representative to serve on the | ||||||
13 | council: local law enforcement, the State Board of Education, | ||||||
14 | the Department of Human Services, the Juvenile Temporary | ||||||
15 | Detention Center, the Chamber of Commerce, the sheriff, the | ||||||
16 | State's Attorney, the Public Defender,
Chief Probation | ||||||
17 | Officer, and
the county board.
In addition, the chief judge may | ||||||
18 | designate a representative to serve on the
| ||||||
19 | (a) The council shall organize itself and elect from | ||||||
20 | its members a
chairperson and such
officers as are deemed | ||||||
21 | necessary. Until a chairperson is elected, the Justice | ||||||
22 | Advisory Council Director or his or her designee, or if the | ||||||
23 | county has no Justice Advisory Council Director, the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State's Attorney, or his or her designee, State's
Attorney | ||||||
2 | shall serve as interim chairperson.
| ||||||
3 | (b) The chairperson shall appoint additional members | ||||||
4 | of the council as is
deemed necessary to accomplish the | ||||||
5 | purposes of this Article and whenever
possible shall | ||||||
6 | appoint a local Chief of Police and a representative of a
| ||||||
7 | community youth service provider.
The additional
members | ||||||
8 | shall may include, but are not limited to, representatives | ||||||
9 | of
local law enforcement, juvenile justice agencies, faith | ||||||
10 | organizations, schools, businesses, and
community | ||||||
11 | organizations.
| ||||||
12 | (c) The county juvenile justice council shall meet | ||||||
13 | monthly from time to time , but
no less than semi-annually, | ||||||
14 | for the purpose of encouraging the initiation of,
or | ||||||
15 | supporting ongoing, interagency cooperation and programs | ||||||
16 | to address juvenile
delinquency and juvenile crime.
| ||||||
17 | (d) Local Advisory Committees, or "LACs", may | ||||||
18 | represent local communities in each township. Twenty | ||||||
19 | percent of each LAC shall be composed of local-justice | ||||||
20 | involved youths aged 16-21. At least one youth and one | ||||||
21 | adult from each LAC shall serve on their local Juvenile | ||||||
22 | Justice Council. Each LAC shall establish a monthly meeting | ||||||
23 | schedule, and shall bring their local issues, concerns, and | ||||||
24 | recommendations to the Juvenile Justice Council. | ||||||
25 | (2) The purpose of a county juvenile justice council is to | ||||||
26 | provide a forum
for the development of a community-based |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | interagency assessment of the local
juvenile justice system, to | ||||||
2 | develop a county juvenile justice plan for the
prevention of | ||||||
3 | juvenile delinquency, and to make recommendations to the county
| ||||||
4 | board, or county boards, for more effectively utilizing | ||||||
5 | existing community
resources in dealing with juveniles who are | ||||||
6 | found to be involved in crime, or
who are truant or have been | ||||||
7 | suspended or expelled from school. The county
juvenile justice | ||||||
8 | plan shall include relevant portions of local crime prevention
| ||||||
9 | and public safety plans, school improvement and school safety | ||||||
10 | plans, and the
plans or initiatives of other public and private | ||||||
11 | entities within the county
that are concerned with dropout | ||||||
12 | prevention, school safety, the prevention of
juvenile crime and | ||||||
13 | criminal activity by youth gangs.
| ||||||
14 | (3) The duties and responsibilities of the county juvenile | ||||||
15 | justice council
include, but are not limited to:
| ||||||
16 | (a) Developing a county juvenile justice plan based | ||||||
17 | upon utilization of
the resources of law enforcement, | ||||||
18 | school systems, park programs, sports
entities, and others | ||||||
19 | in a cooperative and collaborative manner to prevent or
| ||||||
20 | discourage juvenile crime.
| ||||||
21 | (b) Entering into a written county interagency | ||||||
22 | agreement specifying the
nature and extent of | ||||||
23 | contributions each signatory agency will make in achieving
| ||||||
24 | the goals of the county juvenile justice plan and their | ||||||
25 | commitment to the
sharing of information useful in carrying | ||||||
26 | out the goals of the interagency
agreement to the extent |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authorized by law.
| ||||||
2 | (c) Applying for and receiving public or private | ||||||
3 | grants, to be
administered by one of the
community | ||||||
4 | partners, that support one or more components of the county | ||||||
5 | juvenile
justice plan.
| ||||||
6 | (d) (Blank). Providing a forum for the presentation of | ||||||
7 | interagency recommendations
and the resolution of | ||||||
8 | disagreements relating to the contents of the county
| ||||||
9 | interagency agreement or the performance by the parties of | ||||||
10 | their respective
obligations under the agreement.
| ||||||
11 | (d-5) Facilitating community based collaboration and | ||||||
12 | perspective on oversight, research, and evaluation of | ||||||
13 | activities, programs, and policies directed towards and | ||||||
14 | impacting the lives of juveniles.
| ||||||
15 | (e) Assisting and directing the efforts of local | ||||||
16 | community support
organizations and volunteer groups in | ||||||
17 | providing enrichment programs and other
support services | ||||||
18 | for clients of local juvenile detention centers.
| ||||||
19 | (f) Developing and making available a county-wide or | ||||||
20 | multi-county resource
guide for minors in need of | ||||||
21 | prevention, intervention, psycho-social,
educational | ||||||
22 | support, and other services needed to prevent juvenile | ||||||
23 | delinquency.
| ||||||
24 | (4) The council shall have no role in the charging or | ||||||
25 | prosecution of
juvenile offenders.
| ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 90-590, eff. 1-1-99.)