HR1188LRB098 21583 GRL 60307 r
2 WHEREAS, The proliferation of illegally-acquired firearms
3are destroying lives and hurting the public perception of the
4City of Chicago and our State, which has had a detrimental
5effect on our economy; and
6 WHEREAS, The Chicago Police Department recovered more than
750,000 illegal guns between 2001 and 2012; and
8 WHEREAS, In 2012, 87% of murders committed in the City of
9Chicago were caused by gun violence; in 2013, 1,864 shootings
10occurred within the City; and
11 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois General Assembly must
12do all that we can to ensure that the City of Chicago and the
13State at large are safe and stable places for our citizens to
14live, work, and play; therefore, be it
17there is created the House Illegal Gun Trafficking Task Force
18to develop a bold and comprehensive plan, including legislative
19proposals, to disrupt the flow of illegal guns in the State of
20Illinois; and be it further

HR1188- 2 -LRB098 21583 GRL 60307 r
1 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall assess the following
3 (1) the necessary levels of coordination, funding, and
4interdepartmental and State/federal cooperation for effective
5gun trafficking interdiction;
6 (2) the legal framework necessary for getting guns off
7the streets, including the examination of current gunrunning,
8straw purchasing, and unlicensed dealer penalties and their
9interaction with city, State, and federal policies; and
10 (3) the feasibility of Office of Juvenile Justice and
11Delinquency Prevention and Department of Justice anti-violence
12programs that have worked in other similarly situated states
13and cities, including after-school programs and job readiness,
14that are peer-reviewed and cost-effective; and be it further
15 RESOLVED, That the members of the Task Force shall be
16appointed by the Speaker and Minority Leader of the Illinois
17House of Representatives in equal numbers; and be it further
18 RESOLVED, That the Illinois State Police shall provide
19administrative and other support to the Task Force; and be it
21 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall submit a report of its
22findings to the General Assembly on or before November 1, 2014;
23and be it further

HR1188- 3 -LRB098 21583 GRL 60307 r
1 RESOLVED, That we declare an Illegal Gun Trafficking State
2of Emergency in the State of Illinois; and be it further
3 RESOLVED, That the members of this body recognize the
4inextricable links between illegal guns, gangs, and drugs and
5urge the members of the Task Force to work with existing Task
6Forces like the House Task Force on Heroin Crisis to combat
7this growing menace; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
9delivered to the Governor and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.