(a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:(1) “Robot competition” means an event or instruction organized and supervised by an educational institution, summer camp, sports league, television or film entertainment company, or similar organization, and as to which reasonable safety precautions have been taken to protect participants, event staff, and spectators.
(2) “Robotic device” means a mechanical device capable of locomotion, navigation, flight, or movement and that operates at a distance from its operator or supervisor based on commands or in response to sensor data, or a combination of those, including mobile robots, unmanned
ground vehicles, and unmanned aircraft.
(3) “Weapon” means a device specifically designed to threaten or cause death, incapacitation, or great bodily injury to a person, including, but not limited to, stun guns, firearms, machineguns, chemical agents or irritants, kinetic impact projectiles, weaponized lasers, flamethrowers, and explosive devices.
(b) It shall be unlawful for a person to operate a robotic device equipped or mounted with a weapon.
(c) A violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a fine of at least one hundred dollars ($100) but not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(d) This section shall not apply to any of the following:
(1) A person acting within the
scope of that person’s employment by an organization that is researching, developing, testing, or manufacturing the robotic device for government use.
(2) (A) A person operating a nonautonomous robotic device designed and built specifically for the purpose of participating in a robot competition and equipped with weapons typically used for that purpose.
(B) This paragraph does not allow the equipping or mounting of any firearm to a robotic device.
(3) A person engaged in the operation of a blank-firing weapon and the weapon’s respective attachments, when that person is authorized or permitted to acquire and possess these weapons or attachments for use solely as props for a motion picture, television, or digital video production or entertainment event.
(4) A person operating a robotic device when engaged in academic research concerning the robotic device at an institution of higher learning located in California, and as to which reasonable safety precautions have been taken to protect the institution’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
(5) A member, agent, officer, or employee of a federal, state, or local agency who is acting within the scope of that membership, agency, office, or employment.
(e) This section does not in any way sanction, authorize, prohibit, or regulate the procurement or operation of a robotic device by any governmental entity.