 3. California Cradle-to-Career Data System Governing Board.
 (a) The California Cradle-to-Career Data System Governing Board is hereby established in state government, consisting of 12 data contributors and 6 public members, as provided pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c).(b) (1) The 12 data contributors shall be appointed as follows:
(A)Â A representative from the State Department of Education, appointed by the Superintendent.
(B)Â A representative from the California Community Colleges, appointed by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
(C)Â A representative from the
California State University, appointed by the Trustees of the California State University.
(D)Â A representative from the University of California, appointed by the Regents of the University of California.
(E)Â A representative from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, appointed by the bureau chief.
(F)Â A representative from the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, appointed by its executive committee.
(G)Â A representative from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, appointed by the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development.
(H)Â A representative from the Employment Development Department, appointed by the Director of Employment
(I)Â A representative from the Student Aid Commission, appointed by the Chair of the Student Aid Commission.
(J)Â A representative from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, appointed by the Chair of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
(K)Â A representative from the California Health and Human Services Agency, appointed by the Secretary of California Health and Human Services.
(L)Â A representative from the State Department of Social Services, appointed by the Director of Social Services.
(2)Â A representative appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall serve until replaced by the appointing authority for that representative.
(3)Â A representative appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) may delegate their voting rights to an alternate, so long as that alternate has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the appointed representative.
(4) The appointing authority described in paragraph (1) shall be accountable for their entity’s participation in the data system.
(c)Â (1)Â The six public members of the governing board shall have expertise with data systems and their use and be appointed as follows:
(A)Â One public member who is a classroom teacher in a public elementary or secondary school, appointed by the Governor.
(B)Â One public member who is a school leader of a public elementary or secondary
school, including, but not limited to, an administrator, superintendent, principal, or counselor, appointed by the Governor.
(C)Â Two public members who represent the members of the public that are intended to benefit from the data system or are affected by the data, including, but not limited to, practitioners, families, students, adult learners and workers, community organization staff, research organization staff, and advocacy organization staff, appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly.
(D)Â Two public members who represent the members of the public that are intended to benefit from the data system or are affected by the data, including, but not limited to, practitioners, families, students, adult learners and workers, community organization staff, research organization staff, and advocacy organization staff, appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules.
(2)Â (A)Â Except as provided in subparagraph (B), each public member shall serve a term of three years.
(B)Â The initial term for a public member appoint pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be as follows:
(i)Â For public members appointed pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1), three years.
(ii)Â For public members appointed pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1), two years.
(iii)Â For public members appointed pursuant to subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1), one year.
(3)Â A representative from a particular group or entity shall not serve for more than one consecutive term, and a particular group
or entity shall not have more than one representative on the governing board at any given time.
(d)Â (1)Â Each member of the governing board is entitled to one vote, and all decisions of the governing board require a 2/3 vote.
(2) The governing board may appoint other ex officio positions, as nonvoting members, to provide additional expertise and perspectives, such as the state’s chief data officer of the Government Operations Agency.
(e)Â (1)Â The governing board shall elect a chair to serve a two-year term.
(2)Â In the second year of the term, the current chair shall be supported by the incoming chair.
(3)Â A representative from a particular group or entity shall not serve more than one consecutive term as chair.
 The governing board shall ensure the data system is serving its intended purpose as set forth in this chapter, including doing all of the following:(a) Setting, revisiting, and amending the vision, mission, and strategic objectives for the data system, particularly related to opportunity and outcomes gaps and advancing common goals.
(b)Â Developing a theory of action to guide evaluations of the implementation of the data system.
(c)Â Reviewing input from end users to evaluate the usefulness of the data system, whether the data system is fostering evidenced-based decisionmaking, and whether the data system is benefiting all
(d)Â Securing sufficient resources, building ongoing support, and advocating for using the data system with the public, the Governor, the Legislature, partner entities, and other data providers.
 The governing board shall monitor technical, legal, and data implementation of the data system, including by doing all of the following:(a) Reviewing and approving recommended technical and data security policies, in consultation with technology and data security experts.
(b)Â Reviewing and approving recommended legal and privacy policies, in consultation with legal and privacy experts.
(c)Â Reviewing and approving recommended data practices, in consultation with data experts.
(d)Â Monitoring compliance with federal and state laws regarding data sharing.
(e)Â Monitoring compliance with legal requirements regarding privacy, security, and authorized access.
 The governing board shall provide operational oversight of the managing entity, including by doing all of the following:(a) Approving budget requests and operational budgets developed by the managing entity.
(b)Â Approving operational plans developed by the managing entity to ensure the plans align with the strategic direction regarding data access and use, operational tools, and community engagement for the data system.
(c)Â Ensuring the managing entity is implementing a user-centered design approach for data system tools.
(d)Â Reviewing and approving professional
development, technical assistance, and communications plans for end users developed by the managing entity.
(e)Â Reviewing and approving the operational tools implementation plan developed by the managing entity.
(f)Â Hiring, evaluating, and, if necessary, firing the director of the managing entity.
 The governing board shall oversee participation in the data system and provide for its governance structure, including by doing all of the following:(a) Evaluating and approving requests from new potential partner entities or other data providers regarding their participation in the data system.
(b)Â Establishing and revising governance policies and procedures for the data system, including establishing a governance manual for activities under this chapter by the governing board, the managing entity, advisory boards and task forces established under this chapter, and partner entities and other data providers.
(c)Â Appointing members to
the Data and Tools Advisory Board and Community Engagement Advisory Board, as provided in Article 5 (commencing with Section 10870).
(d)Â Defining the membership and appointment structure for additional advisory boards established pursuant to Section 10864.5.
(e)Â Providing input to the managing entity on the purpose and composition of any task force established pursuant to Section 10869.
(f) In phase one, focus on linking early learning and care, K–12, postsecondary, employment, and financial aid data in the data system.
 The governing board shall recommend the types of information available through the data system in accordance with both of the following:(a) The governing board shall review recommendations for additional data to be included in the data system as part of a strategic planning process. All recommendations for additional data shall require a feasibility study conducted by the managing entity.
(b)Â The managing entity shall work with the relevant partner entities, other data providers, and experts to document data availability, reliability, and validity of the data system, legal requirements for the data system, startup and ongoing costs to the managing entity, partner entities, and other data providers,
potential approaches for collecting the information for the data system, and any political implications or other implications that would jeopardize the objectivity of the managing entity.
 The governing board shall recommend improvements to the mechanisms for accessing information in the data system, to be implemented by the managing entity, including by doing all of the following:(a) Reviewing and approving recommendations for significant content changes to dashboard visualizations for the data system.
(b)Â Reviewing and approving recommendations for significant changes to query builder data points for the data system.
(c)Â Reviewing and approving recommendations for the topics to be covered in reports that provide an objective written summary of information available in the data system.
(d)Â Reviewing and approving recommendations for new tools that would help the public interact with the data in the data system.
 (a) (1) The governing board shall meet quarterly to address ongoing business needs and emerging issues, and to review recommendations from the advisory boards established under this chapter. When reviewing advisory board recommendations, the governing board shall document how it intends to address the issues raised by the advisory boards.(2) Additional meetings may be called by the governing board as needed, based on a governance manual policy.
(b) The chair of the governing board shall be responsible for facilitating governing board meetings and setting agendas, acting as the governing board’s primary point of contact for the director of the managing
entity, onboarding new governing board members, and convening topical committees for tasks as needed, including appointing members to advisory boards established under this chapter and conducting the annual review of the director of the managing entity based on an established performance evaluation process.
(c)Â All meetings of the governing board shall be subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Article 9 (commencing with Section 11120) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).
 (a) The governing board may create and sunset advisory boards in addition to those established in Article 5 (commencing with Section 10870), taking into consideration the cost, size, and purpose of the advisory board.(b) All meetings of an advisory board established under this section shall be subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Article 9 (commencing with Section 11120) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).