 March 05, 2020 |
Introduced by Assembly Member Ramos |
February 20, 2020 |
Existing law requires a city, county, city and county, district, or joint powers agency that desires to receive state aid for peace officer training to make an application to the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Existing law requires the application to include a certified copy of an ordinance or resolution that the applicant will adhere to standards for recruitment and training established by the commission while receiving state aid. Existing law requires the aid to be paid from the State Penalty Fund.
This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.
(a)The commission shall annually allocate and the State Treasurer shall periodically pay from the State Penalty Fund, at intervals specified by the commission, to each city, county, district, or joint powers agency that has applied and qualified for aid pursuant to this chapter an amount determined by the commission pursuant to standards set forth in its regulations. The commission shall grant aid only on a basis that is equally proportionate among cities, counties, districts, and joint powers agencies. State aid shall only be provided for training expenses of full-time regularly paid employees, as defined by the commission, of eligible agencies from cities, counties, districts, or joint powers agencies.
(b)An allocation shall not be made to any city, county,
district, or joint
powers agency that is not adhering to the standards established by the commission as applicable to that city, county, district, or joint powers agency.