BILL NUMBER: SB 12 INTRODUCED BILL TEXT INTRODUCED BY Senator Beall DECEMBER 1, 2014 An act relating to foster youth. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 12, as introduced, Beall. Foster youth. Existing law provides that a minor who is found to have suffered abuse or neglect maybe adjudged a dependent child of the juvenile court. Existing law provides that a minor who is found to have committed a crime, who is truant, or who has violated an ordinance imposing a curfew, may be adjudged a ward of the juvenile court. Existing law authorizes the juvenile court to retain jurisdiction over a ward or dependent child until the person attains the age of 21 years. Existing law also authorizes the juvenile court to make reasonable orders for the placement of a ward or dependent child, including placement in a juvenile facility. Existing law provides that nonminor dependent children and wards are eligible to receive foster youth benefits after 18 years of age, under specified circumstances, including that the person has attained 18 years of age while under an order of foster care placement by the juvenile court. This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would require that a placement order for a person who is in the custody of a juvenile facility remain in place until the person attains 18 years of age and is released from custody, in order to help ensure that the person may remain eligible for foster youth benefits upon his or her release from custody. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. It is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would require that a placement order for a person who is in the custody of a juvenile facility remain in place until the person attains 18 years of age and is released from custody, in order to help ensure that the person may remain eligible for foster youth benefits upon his or her release from custody.