BILL NUMBER: AB 1092 AMENDED BILL TEXT AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 4, 2015 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 20, 2015 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MARCH 26, 2015 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Mullin FEBRUARY 27, 2015 An act to add Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 1400) to Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to magnetic resonance imaging technologists. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 1092, as amended, Mullin. Magnetic resonance imaging technologists. Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of various healing arts practitioners by boards within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law also provides for the certification and regulation of radiologic technologists by the State Department of Public Health. This bill would provide for the registration of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologists, as defined, with the State Department of Public Health. The bill would authorize the department to issue a citation and civil penalty to a person acting as an MRI technologist without being registered. The bill would require the department to maintain an official roster of registered MRItechnologists, andtechnologists, as specified. The bill would authorize the department to imposefeesa fee on a registrant in an amount reasonably sufficient to cover the administrative costs of the registrationprogramprogram, but would exempt a certified radiologic technologist from paying that fee . Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 1400) is added to Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, to read: CHAPTER 3.5. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING TECHNOLOGISTS 1400. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply: (a) "Department" means the State Department of Public Health. (b) "MRI" means magnetic resonance imaging. (c) "MRI technologist" means a person who operates MRI equipment to produce cross-sectional images of a patient's body for diagnostic purposes. (d) "Serious disability" has the same meaning as defined in Section 1279.1 of the Health and Safety Code. 1401. A person shall not hold himself or herself out as an MRI technologist without registering with the department pursuant to this chapter. 1402. (a) The department shall maintain an official roster of registered MRI technologists, and shall record all of the following information: (1) The location, employer, and supervisor of each MRI technologist. (2) A description of the practice of each MRI technologist, including the services provided. (3) Any certification possessed by the MRI technologist, if applicable. (b) A radiologic technologist certified under subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 114870 of the Health and Safety Code may provide the information described in subdivision (a) in accordance with any of the following: (1) As part of the radiologic technologist's initial application for certification. (2) As part of the radiologic technologist's request for renewal of certification. (3) By use of a method established by the department.(b)(c) (1) The department may impose a fee for the registration of an MRI technologist in an amount that is no greater than the amount reasonably sufficient to cover the administrative costs of the registration program. (2) A radiologic technologist certified under subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 114870 of the Health and Safety Code is not required to pay a registration fee under this chapter. 1403.AAn employer of a registered MRI technologist shall report to the departmentany accidentan accident resulting from the use or malfunction of MRI equipment , within 30 days of its occurrence, that resulted ininjurythe serious disability or deathtoof a patient, damage to the property of a patient, or damage to the MRI equipment. 1404. The department may issue a citation to a person if he or she is acting in the capacity of, or engaging in the practice of, an MRI technologist without being registered with the department. The citation shall contain an order of abatement and an assessment of a civil penalty in an amount not less than two hundred dollars ($200) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). 1405. This chapter does not authorize an MRI technologist to practice medicine, surgery, or any other form of healing.