Amended  IN  Assembly  March 23, 2023


Assembly Bill
No. 1371

Introduced by Assembly Member Low

February 17, 2023

An act to amend Section 25450 261.5 of the Penal Code, relating to firearms. crimes.


AB 1371, as amended, Low. Firearms: carrying concealed. Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.
Existing law makes it a crime, known as unlawful sexual intercourse, to commit an act of sexual intercourse with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. Existing law prescribes various terms of imprisonment and civil penalties or fines, depending on the age difference between the person committing the act and the victim.
This bill would prohibit a person convicted of this crime who is granted probation from completing community service at a school or location where children congregate.

Existing law prohibits the carrying of a concealed firearm, as specified. Existing law exempts specified active and retired peace officers from this prohibition, subject to certain conditions.

This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 261.5 of the Penal Code is amended to read:

 (a) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a “minor” is a person under the age of 18 years of age and an “adult” is a person who is at least 18 years of age. age or older.
(b) Any A person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(c) Any A person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is more than three years younger than the perpetrator is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
(d) Any A person 21 years of age or older who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 for two, three, or four years.
(e) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an adult who engages in an act of sexual intercourse with a minor in violation of this section may be liable for civil penalties in the following amounts:
(A) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor less than two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(B) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(C) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least three years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
(D) An adult over the age of 21 years of age who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
(2) The district attorney may bring actions to recover civil penalties pursuant to this subdivision. From the amounts collected for each case, an amount equal to the costs of pursuing the action shall be deposited with the treasurer of the county in which the judgment was entered, and the remainder shall be deposited in the Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund, which is hereby created in the State Treasury. Amounts deposited in the Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund may be used only for the purpose of preventing underage pregnancy upon appropriation by the Legislature.
(3) In addition to any punishment imposed under this section, the judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against any a person who violates this section with the proceeds of this fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant’s ability to pay, and no a defendant shall not be denied probation because of his or her their inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision.
(f) A person convicted of violating this section who is granted probation shall not complete their community service at a school or location where children congregate.

SECTION 1.Section 25450 of the Penal Code is amended to read:

As provided in this article, Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, any of the following:

(a)Any peace officer, listed in Section 830.1 or 830.2, or subdivision (a) of Section 830.33, whether active or honorably retired.

(b)Any other duly appointed peace officer.

(c)Any honorably retired peace officer listed in subdivision (c) of Section 830.5.

(d)Any other honorably retired peace officer who during the course and scope of their appointment as a peace officer was authorized to, and did, carry a firearm.

(e)Any full-time paid peace officer of another state or the federal government who is carrying out official duties while in California.

(f)Any person summoned by any of these officers to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace while the person is actually engaged in assisting that officer.