Number: S.B. 1826
Peshlakai Floor Amendment #2
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
First Regular Session S.B. 1826
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 72, between lines 27 and 28, insert:
"Sec. 25. Section 15-961, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
15-961. District additional assistance; growth rate
A. District additional assistance per student count is established as follows:
1. For school districts with a student count of less than one hundred for kindergarten programs and grades one through eight, five hundred forty-four dollars fifty-eight cents $551.17. For school districts with a student count of one hundred or more and less than six hundred for kindergarten programs and grades one through eight, multiply three hundred eighty-nine dollars twenty-five cents $393.96 by the weight that corresponds to the student count for kindergarten programs and grades one through eight for the school district as provided in section 15-943, paragraph 1, subdivision (a), column 3. For a school district with a student count of six hundred or more in kindergarten programs and grades one through eight, the limit is four hundred fifty dollars seventy-six cents $456.21.
2. For school districts with a student count of less than one hundred for grades nine through twelve, six hundred one dollars twenty-four cents $608.52. For school districts with a student count of one hundred or more and less than six hundred for grades nine through twelve, multiply four hundred five dollars fifty-nine cents $410.50 by the weight that corresponds to the student count for grades nine through twelve for the school district as provided in section 15-943, paragraph 1, subdivision (b), column 3. For a school district with a student count of six hundred or more in grades nine through twelve, the limit is four hundred ninety-two dollars ninety-four cents $498.90.
3. For programs for preschool children with disabilities, four hundred fifty dollars seventy-six cents $456.21.
B. District additional assistance for a school district shall be computed as follows:
1. Select the applicable district additional assistance per student count for the school district.
2. Multiply the amount or amounts selected in paragraph 1 of this subsection by the appropriate student count of the school district.
3. If a school district's student count used for the budget year is greater than one hundred five percent of the student count used for the current year's budget, increase the adjusted district additional assistance determined in paragraph 2 of this subsection by fifty percent of the actual percentage increase in the school district's student count.
C. An amount for the purchase of required textbooks and related printed subject matter materials shall be used to increase the district additional assistance for a school district as determined in subsection B, paragraph 2 or 3 of this section, whichever is applicable. This amount shall equal the student count in grades nine through twelve multiplied by sixty-nine dollars sixty-eight cents $70.52."
Renumber to conform
Amend title to conform