Number: S.B. 1819
Townsend Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Mike Hans
1. Requires the Secretary of State (SOS) to provide access to the statewide voter registration database to a person or entity that is designated by the Legislature and to the Election Integrity Unit of the Attorney General's (AG's) Office for the purpose of determining whether the SOS's voter registration list maintenance procedures comply with federal law with respect to voters who are registered as eligible to vote only for federal offices (federal-only voters).
2. Requires the person or entity designated by the Legislature to be qualified in more than one state to analyze a state's voter registration rolls for compliance with federal law regarding voter registration list maintenance procedures.
3. Requires the person or entity, after completing its analysis, to report its findings to the Legislature, AG and SOS.
4. Requires the SOS, if the analysis determines that there are person registered to vote who are not eligible to register to vote, to notify the appropriate county recorder and requires county recorders to remove those persons from the voter registration rolls.
5. Requires each county recorder to submit an annual report to the Legislature that contains the following regarding federal-only voters:
a) a description of the county recorder's procedures regarding registering federal-only voters;
b) the number of federal-only voters in the county;
c) the number of voters whose citizenship has been otherwise subsequently verified and whose status has changed to voters who are eligible to vote a full ballot;
d) a comprehensive description of the obstacles to obtaining voter registrants' documentary proof of citizenship that complies with Arizona's voter registration requirements and to changing their status to voters who are eligible to vote a full ballot; and
e) the number of voters who have been subsequently determined to be ineligible to vote in Arizona and who have been removed from the voter registration rolls.
6. Requires the AG and county attorney to investigate and prosecute, as appropriate, any person who knowingly registers to vote despite being ineligible.
7. Requires the SOS, by December 31, 2021 and pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, to submit a request to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission that the Commission include Arizona's state-specific instructions to provide proof of citizenship on the federal voter registration form.
First Regular Session S.B. 1819
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 3, between lines 33 and 34, insert:
"Sec. 3. Title 16, chapter 1, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 16-132, to read:
16-132. Voter registration database; federal only voters; analysis; annual report; investigation
A. The secretary of state shall provide access to the statewide voter registration database to a person or entity that is designated by the LEGISLATURE and to the election integrity unit of the attorney GENERAL'S office for the purposes of DETERMINING whether the SECRETARY of state's voter registration list maintenance procedures comply with federal LAW with RESPECT to voters who are registered as voters eligible to vote only for federal offices.
B. The person or entity that is designated by the legislature must be qualified in more THAN one state to analyze a state's voter registration rolls for compliance with federal law regarding voter registration list maintenance procedures. after completing its analysis, the person or entity shall report its findings to the PRESIDENT of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the attorney general and the secretary of state. If the analysis determines that there are persons registered to vote who are not eligible to register to vote, the secretary of state shall notify the appropriate county recorder and the county recorder shall remove those persons from the voter registration rolls.
C. Each county recorder shall submit an annual report to the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate that contains the following regarding voters who are ELIGIBLE to vote only for federal offices:
1. A description of the county recorder's procedures regarding registering those voters who are ELIGIBLE to vote only for federal offices.
2. The number of voters in that county who are eligible to vote only for federal offices.
3. The number of those voters whose citizenship has been otherwise subsequently verified and whose status has changed to voters who are eligible to vote a full ballot.
4. A comprehensive description of the obstacles to obtaining voter registrants' documentary PROOF of CITIZENSHIP that complies with this state's voter registration requirements and to changing their status to voters who are eligible to vote a full ballot.
5. the number of those voters who have been subsequently determined to be ineligible to vote in this state and who have been removed from the voter registration rolls.
D. The attorney general and the county attorney shall investigate and prosecute, as appropriate, any person who is ineligible to register to vote and who knowingly registers to vote."
Renumber to conform
Page 39, between lines 28 and 29, insert:
"Sec. 26. Secretary of state; United States election assistance commission request; forms
On or before December 31, 2021 and pursuant to the national voter registration act of 1993 (P.L. 103-31; 107 Stat. 77; 52 United States Code section 20505(a)(2)), the secretary of state shall submit to the United States election assistance commission a request that the commission include on the federal voter registration form this state's state-specific instructions to provide proof of citizenship."
Renumber to conform
Amend title to conform