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New Proposed State Gun Laws

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California SB397

Title: Firearms.

Description: An act to amend Section 12001 of the Penal Code, relating to firearms.

Last Action: Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To print.

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Florida H0651

Title: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Description: Revises and provides provisions related to powers, duties, & functions of DACS.

Last Action: Filed

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Kentucky SB75

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.

Description: Amend KRS 237.109 to lower the age requirement for carrying a concealed and deadly weapon from 21 to 18; amend KRS 237.110 to conform; make technical corrections.

Last Action: to Committee on Committees (S)

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Missouri HB1294

Title: Establishes a task force on gun violence in St. Louis City

Description: Establishes a task force on gun violence in St. Louis City

Last Action: Introduced and Read First Time (H)

Last Action Date: February 13, 2025

New York S04986

Title: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.

Description: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.


Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

New York S04954

Title: Prohibits the use of lead ammunition in the taking of wildlife on wildlife management areas, state forests, forest preserves, state parks or any other state-owned land that is open for hunting and on land contributing surface water to the New York city water supply.

Description: Prohibits the use of lead ammunition in the taking of wildlife on wildlife management areas, state forests, forest preserves, state parks or any other state-owned land that is open for hunting and on land contributing surface water to the New York city water supply.


Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

New York S04922

Title: Relates to the sale and possession of self-defense spray devices in the state; removes the requirement that only authorized dealers and pharmacists could sell such devices; permits shipping of such devices within the state; repeals certain provisions of law relating thereto.

Description: Relates to the sale and possession of self-defense spray devices in the state; removes the requirement that only authorized dealers and pharmacists could sell such devices; permits shipping of such devices within the state; repeals certain provisions of law relating thereto.


Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

New York S04893

Title: Establishes the New York state school resource officer program; provides for grants for school resource officers (Part A); relates to peace officers who are retired police officers employed by a school district as a school resource officer (Part B); allows retired police officers to be employed by a school district as a school safety officer, school security officer or any other substantially similar position for an annual salary of $50,000 or less to continue to receive their full retirement benefit (Part C).

Description: Establishes the New York state school resource officer program; provides for grants for school resource officers (Part A); relates to peace officers who are retired police officers employed by a school district as a school resource officer (Part B); allows retired police officers to be employed by a school district as a school safety officer, school security officer or any other substantially similar position for an annual salary of $50,000 or less to continue to receive their full retirement benefit (Part C).


Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Texas HB2881

Title: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws restricting the acquisition, manufacture, or possession of ammunition in this state.

Description: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws restricting the acquisition, manufacture, or possession of ammunition in this state.

Last Action: Filed

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Texas SB1286

Title: Relating to the imposition of a sales tax on ammunition, firearms, and firearm accessories to provide funding for the family violence program in the Health and Human Services Commission.

Description: Relating to the imposition of a sales tax on ammunition, firearms, and firearm accessories to provide funding for the family violence program in the Health and Human Services Commission.

Last Action: Filed

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Texas HB2882

Title: Relating to the definition of short-barrel firearm for purposes of certain criminal offenses.

Description: Relating to the definition of short-barrel firearm for purposes of certain criminal offenses.

Last Action: Filed

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

Texas SB1326

Title: Relating to civil liability arising from a firearm hold agreement.

Description: Relating to civil liability arising from a firearm hold agreement.

Last Action: Filed

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

West Virginia HB2384

Title: To allow those who are 18-20 years old to carry a deadly weapon concealed without a permit, as is allowed for those who are 21 or older

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow those persons 18-20 years of age to be permitted to carry a deadly weapon, as those persons 21 and over are currently permitted to do.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025

West Virginia SB469

Title: Creating WV Constitutional Carry Act of 2025

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow those persons 18-20 years of age to be permitted to carry a deadly weapon as those persons 21 and over are currently permitted to do.

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 14, 2025