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Illinois Concealed Carry Reciprocity Case Heads to Supreme Court
  Posted October 23rd, 2019 11:17 am


Posts: 1,428

A challenge to how Illinois treats other states' carry permits has now been sent to the U.S. Supreme Court for appeal.

The case, brought by a group of nine individuals allied with three pro-gun groups, takes issue with the fact that the Land of Lincoln refuses to issue non-resident concealed carry permits or recognize permits issued from 45 other states, regardless of an individual’s background or prior training.

"This is a case that literally begs for Supreme Court attention," said Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb. "When the Court ruled in the 2008 Heller case that the Second Amendment protected a fundamental right, it was clear that this right belongs to everyone, not just the residents of an individual state. The Seventh Circuit held in Moore v. Madigan that the carrying of firearms in public for self-defense is a fundamental right, but under existing Illinois restrictions, that right has been limited to Illinois residents and citizens from only four other states."

Illinois Concealed Carry Reciprocity Case Heads to Supreme Court