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Illinois Judge Throws Out Deerfield Assault Weapon Ban
  Posted March 22nd, 2019 02:24 pm


Posts: 1,428

A Lake County Circuit Court judge ruled Friday that the village of Deerfield overstepped its authority last year when it enacted a ban on assault weapons five years after the Illinois legislature declared such regulations the exclusive power of the state.

Judge Luis Berrones issued a permanent injunction blocking the village from enforcing its ordinance. In the ruling, Berrones wrote that the plaintiff gun owners have "a clearly ascertainable right to not be subjected to a preempted and unenforceable ordinance" that prohibits possession of assault weapons, imposes financial penalties for keeping them and allows their property to be confiscated.

Deerfield officials said they are reviewing the ruling with their legal team and exploring options including an appeal to the Illinois Appellate Court.

Illinois Judge Throws Out Deerfield Assault Weapon Ban