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2017-2018 Proposed Illinois Gun Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 14th, 2017 12:47 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Illinois.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Illinois legislation click here

Starting off:

HB0258 would make firearms that look like phones illegal

HB0271 would require all ammunition sold in the state to have individual serial numbers

HB0308 would allow the transport of rifles and shotguns within a vehicle without them being broken down or in a case

HB0329 would add casinos, licensed fraternal establishments, licensed veterans establishments and any place that serves liquor to the list of prohibited places

HR0008 urges congress to strengthen laws regarding the shipping of firearms via rail

HR0015 urges congress to regulate replica firearms

SB0007 would ban firearms from casinos

SB0050 is both good and bad. On the one hand it would legalize owning suppressors, on the other it would make it more difficult to get a FOID card (more training) and would ban anyone convicted of terrorist threats or receiving any material considered terrorist from getting a FOID card.

HB0365 would allow active duty military to carry concealed weapons without an IL license to carry provided they are not prohibited and have a license from their home state

HB0377 would prevent municipalities from revoking, suspending, or refusing to renew a business license or otherwise interfere with a business license if that business allow concealed carry holders to frequent it.

HB0385 would ban carrying firearms at casinos

HB0405 would make the state a shall issue state for non-resident permits for people from states that require training and a background check

HB0406 would allow those with carry permits and police officers to carry concealed while hunting

HB0410 would dismiss the waiting period for firearms if one firearm is traded for another

HB0413 would prevent any state employee from assisting the federal government to enforce any federal law the state deems unconstitutional

SB0074 would require a full set of fingerprints when getting a FOID card

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 22nd, 2017 03:08 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

new this week SB0194 would regulate imitation firearms

  Posted January 29th, 2017 04:46 pm

itsa noone
Posts: 1

Hi all,

Are there any constitutional lawyers out there? This non-lawyer suspects that Illinois has pulled a fast one on its' citizens by slipping an unconstitutional question into its' Firearm Owners IDentification (FOID) law which regulates who may legally own a gun in our state. One of 10 questions on the FOID application form asks, under penalty of perjury, whether the applicant has used marijuana within the past year. Note that this is not the same as asking whether one has tested positive for or been convicted of a marijuana offense (which it also asks), but simply about usage. To my unschooled ear that seems to pit one constitutional right against another, i.e., the 5th amendment right (of citizens who have smoked pot in the past year) not to make self-incriminating statements under oath vs. the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The question for constitutional scholars is - am I totally off-base here? Or is Illinois playing fast and loose with the U.S. Constitution?

Puzzled in Chicago

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 30th, 2017 04:39 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

Originally posted by itsa noone:

Hi all,

Are there any constitutional lawyers out there? This non-lawyer suspects that Illinois has pulled a fast one on its' citizens by slipping an unconstitutional question into its' Firearm Owners IDentification (FOID) law which regulates who may legally own a gun in our state. One of 10 questions on the FOID application form asks, under penalty of perjury, whether the applicant has used marijuana within the past year. Note that this is not the same as asking whether one has tested positive for or been convicted of a marijuana offense (which it also asks), but simply about usage. To my unschooled ear that seems to pit one constitutional right against another, i.e., the 5th amendment right (of citizens who have smoked pot in the past year) not to make self-incriminating statements under oath vs. the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The question for constitutional scholars is - am I totally off-base here? Or is Illinois playing fast and loose with the U.S. Constitution?

Puzzled in Chicago

They are probably basis this off the new 4473 forms that came out from ATF this year that tell people it's still illegal under federal law even though the state may allow it.

About time the feds just took it off the list of class 1 drugs

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 30th, 2017 04:39 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

New last week:

HB0540 would limit the courts ability to issue firearm seizure warrants in domestic violence cases under certain conditions

SB0607 would make it legal to carry a switchblade knife if you have a FOID card

HB0666 would remove the ban on carrying in property under the control of the Cook County Forest Preserve District

HB0674 would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act

HB0699 would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act

HB0714 would explicitly prevent any local government from adding any fee or tax on firearms other than sales tax

HB0715 would repeal many of the states preemption laws only preempting registration of firearms and firearm databases

HB0720 would allow 18-20 year olds apply for a firearm owners id card

HB0745 would require all FOID applications, and renewals to submit a full set of fingerprints if they have not already done so

HB0747 would allow active military and their spouse to apply for a carry permit at a reduced cost

HB0781 would legalize short barreled rifles /  shotguns

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 14th, 2017 05:29 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

New this week:

HB0796 would drop the cost of a concealed carry permit

HB1810 would add a 3.75% tax on all firearms and firearm component parts

HB2354 would create gun violence protection orders very similar to California

HB2498 would ban firearms in all casinos

HB2481 would legalize suppressors but only for handguns

HB2480 would exempt anyone that has a concealed carry license from purchase waiting periods

HB2599 would add 'handgun components and accessories' to the definition of handgun for preemption purposes

HB2602 would cut the cost of carry permits by 50%

HB2605 would make it easier for non-residents to get carry permits

HB2684 would remove the restriction for carrying on public transportation

HB2720 is a universal background check bill that actually exempts gun shows

HB2821 would preempt local governments from regulating firearm components and accessories for handguns

HB2823 would allow those with concealed carry licenses to carry while hunting

HB2833 would limit firearm sales to one a month

HB2845 would allow 18 - 20 year olds apply for a FOID card

HB2934 would allow concealed carry in highway rest areas

HB2945 would repeal the need for a FOID card when buying stun guns and tazers

HB3000 would cut the cost of concealed carry licenses in half

HB3034 would require 'clear and convincing evidence' for objections to a concealed carry license by law enforcement agency or the objection is to be dismissed

HB3178 would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act

HB3228 would make carry license good for 10 years

HB3231 would repeal the ban on carrying concealed weapons in parks

HB3338 would revoke the FOID card from anyone that has three separate thefts of firearms within a 2 year period

HB3352 would require anyone that has lost their FOID card to report it within 10 days

HB3390 would revoke the FOID card from anyone that has three separate thefts of firearms within a 2 year period

HB3398 would allow residents that move out of the state to apply for a non-resident license to carry

HB3404 would preempt local governments from regulating firearm components and accessories for handguns

HB3429 would prohibit local governments from imposing fees or taxes on firearms or accessories

SB1291 would create lethal violence protection orders so that a family member can petition the court to have all firearms removed

SB1300 would allow full time firefighters that have concealed carry licenses to carry on duty

SB1301 would set up reciprocity with other states

SB1302 would allow concealed carry in rest areas

SB1303 would remove the prohibition for carrying on public transportation

SB1323 would remove the prohibition for carrying on public transportation

SB1324 would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act

SB1387 would drop the fees for concealed carry licenses

SB1423 would prohibit local governments from imposing fees or taxes on firearms or accessories

SB1448 would make railroads that transport firearms notify local police when they are coming through

SB1512 would make anyone that doesn't have a concealed carry license wait 72 hours before accepting delivery of a firearm from a dealer

SB1524 would allow non-resident active military to apply for carry permits

SB1589 would require 'clear and convincing evidence' for objections to a concealed carry license by law enforcement agency or the objection is to be dismissed

SB1603 would allow 18 - 20 year olds apply for a FOID card

SB1613 would repeal the waiting period for firearm sales

SB1657 would require firearm dealers to be licensed with the state

SB1673 would preempt local governments from regulating firearm components and accessories for handguns

SB1674 would remove the 'similar requirements' language from law regarding non-resident licenses

SB1698 would repeal preemption of 'assault weapons' but would also invalidate any local law regarding them not enacted before or within 10 days of July 9, 2013

SB1711 would allow concealed carry in rest areas

SB1828 would require a full set of fingerprints to be submitted when applying for or renewing a firearm owners card

SB1868 would allow law enforcement to sell firearms confiscated from convicted criminals at auction

SB1877 would repeal the prohibition on carry in parks

HB3499 would prohibit carrying of firearms at any building, real property, or parking area under the control of a house of worship

HB3625 would begin the process of setting up reciprocity with other states and would remove language about 'similar laws regarding carrying of weapons' from the language involving non-resident licenses

HB3681 would allow those with concealed carry licenses to transport rifles and shotguns in vehicles without having to break them down

HB3682 would limit the time the concealed carry review board has to render a decision

HB3734 is an assault weapon and 50 cal rifle ban that requires anyone that owns one to get rid of it within 300 days of the effective date of this law

HB3835 would prohibit a state police database of firearm transactions and would require them to destroy all existing records except for the identification number and date of transaction

HB3873 would require anyone with a FOID card that the federal government has determined that the person is unable manage his or her own affairs, estate, or benefits to report to state police within 30 days of the determination so the state police can inform NICS

HB3878 would create a hunting sales tax holiday where firearms and accessories used for hunting would be tax free

SB2055 would allow Illinois residents with Florida permits to carry in the state

SB2076 would change preemption law to remove assault weapon and include all rifles and shotguns

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted May 30th, 2017 11:57 am

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB0315 would ban the sale of 'pre-packaged explosive components' to anyone prohibited from owning a firearm

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted September 30th, 2017 10:40 am

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB2229 would remove the requirement to have a firearm owner id card to legally possess a switchblade knife

SB2231 would ban concealed carry in churches and on church property

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted October 11th, 2017 04:08 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4107 is an all out assault weapon and 50 cal ban

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted October 14th, 2017 01:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4112 is a bump stock ban bill

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted October 28th, 2017 01:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4115 would outlaw Tannerite

HB4120 would outlaw bump fire stocks

HB4117 would require anyone that buys Tannerite to have a FOID card. It would also ban 'trigger modification devices'

HR0648 would create a firearm awareness task force that would study other states concealed carry laws and the crime rates before and after they enacted them

HB4127 would remove state preemption of 'assault weapons' and allow local governments to regulate them

SB2247 would ban the sale and ownership of bump fire stocks

HB4143 would add those with a concealed carry permit to the list of those not subject to a waiting period when buying a gun

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted November 16th, 2017 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB2253 would completely outlaw bump fire stocks

HR0684 is a resolution asking congress to ban bump stocks

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted November 29th, 2017 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4168 would require anyone renewing their FOID card, and all new applicants for one to provide a set of fingerprints

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted December 15th, 2017 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4177 would allow active duty military stationed within the state to apply for non-resident carry licenses

HB4183 would allow anyone from another state get a concealed carry license so long as the state the person is from require firearm training and a background check

HB4185 would allow state correction officers to carry their personal firearm when they are off duty

HB4186 would void the waiting period when the transfer is for one operable firearm in exchange for another operable firearm

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 6th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HR0735 is a resolution urging congress to force replica firearm manufacturers to make them not look like real firearms

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 30th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4306 would prevent any local government from revoking or refusing to renew a business license just because they allow concealed carry within their business

HB4314 would repeal the firearm owners id act

HB4337 would outlaw trigger modification devices that would accelerate the rate of fire of a firearm

HB4338 would prohibit raffles from having 'assault weapons' as prizes

SB2314 would allow local governments to regulate 'assault weapons'

SB2317 would outlaw trigger modification devices that would accelerate the rate of fire of a firearm

HB4354 would repeal the firearm owners id card act

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 5th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB2435 would create 'lethal protection orders' whereby a persons firearm must be surrendered

HB4486 would repeal the firearm owners id card act

HB4502 would require all 'similated' firearms to be sold from behind the counter or in an age restricted area

HB4520 would allow adults who reside in a home that provides day care services to carry firearms

HB4525 would make an expired FOID card valid if the person has applied for a new one for up to 7 days after the new card is issued

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 14th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB2561 would require a FOID card to buy Tannerite

HB4700 would require anyone applying for, or renewing a FOID card to submit fingerprints

HB4712 would allow rifles and shotguns to be transported in a vehicle without having to be broken down

HB4713 would drop the fee for carry permits

HB4719 would legalize suppressors

HB4725 would require gun dealers to install monitoring cameras

SB2632 would remove the prohibition for carry in parks and 'athletic areas'

SB2633 would allow the state to issue non-resident licenses to people from any state or territory 

SB2634 would clarify that carry permit holders can carry in rest areas

SB2636 would allow 18 year olds to get a FOID card

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 19th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB4855 would make anyone that seeks treatment for mental health issues a prohibited person

HB4880 would outlaw bump stocks 

HB4970 would put an additional 1% sales tax on ammunition to fund a new 'Trauma Response Fund'

HB5312 is a preemption over local gun laws bill

HB5313 would repeal the ban on carrying on public transportation 

HB5329 would drop the age a person can apply for a FOID card from 21 to 18

SB3057 would repeal the firearm owners id card act

SB3095 would allow for law enforcement to object to a person being issued a carry permit at which point it would go to a review board that has 90 days to make a decision

SB3118 would require gun dealers to report stolen firearms within 72 hours

SB3297 is an assault weapon / high capacity magazine ban bill

SB3298 would require anyone applying for a concealed carry license to get approval from their local law enforcement

HB5805 would repeal the firearm owners ID car act

HB5728 would outlaw anything that can be added to a firearm that will increase the rate of fire

HB5648 would drop the fee to apply for a concealed carry license to $75

HB5534 is a universal background check bill

HB5533 would revoke a person's FOID card for one year if they report the loss or theft of 3 firearms within a 2 year period to law enforcement

HB5528 would drop the fee for a concealed carry license to $75

HB5527 would allow the state to issue non-resident carry licenses to a resident of any state

HB5526 would add firearm parts to preemption laws

HB5492 would make just about anyone who has had mental health treatment from an in-patient facility a prohibited person

HB5478 would add firearm parts kits to the definition of a firearm

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 26th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB3580 would require all firearm dealers to have video surveillance equipment and that all employees must have either a FOID card or a license to carry 

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted March 6th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB1465 would bar sales of 'assault' weapons and 50 call rifles and ammo to anyone under 21

HB1468 would require a 72 hour waiting period on the sales of 'assault' weapons

SB3591 would ban anyone who seeks in patient mental health treatment from owning firearms

  Posted March 14th, 2018 11:15 am

Posts: 1,428

  Posted March 23rd, 2018 11:24 am

Posts: 1,428

HB5849 would create gun violence protection orders

  Posted April 13th, 2018 03:48 pm

Posts: 1,428

  Posted April 27th, 2018 04:07 pm

Posts: 1,428

  Posted May 2nd, 2018 01:08 pm

Posts: 1,428

SB2343 would outlaw bump stocks and trigger cranks

  Posted May 8th, 2018 10:49 am

Posts: 1,428

  Posted May 19th, 2018 11:20 am

Posts: 1,428

SB0337 would require all records of private sales of firearms to be kept for 10 years

  Posted May 26th, 2018 11:47 am

Posts: 1,428

HR1127 is a resolution asking banks and credit card companies to reclassify firearm sales as high risk purchases, like porn and drugs

HB5889 would add a 72 hour waiting period to all firearms

HB5890 would require district attorneys to explain. in writing, why they are allow someone charged with a 'gun crime' to plea down to a lesser charge

HB5888 would ban bump stocks and trigger cranks

  Posted June 6th, 2018 01:08 pm

Posts: 1,428

HB5908 would decertify any firearm dealer that has sold 3 or more guns that ended up being used in a crime in 5 years but the bill is reliant on SB337 passing

SB3256 would create a 72 hour waiting period for all firearm sales

HB5913 would remove the release of liability for a private firearm sale if the seller provided the state police with transfer records

2017-2018 Proposed Illinois Gun Legislation

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